Active Member
I am shocked you asked that. I cannot pray for that kind of harm to happen to Pakistan on Asia's behalf. I believe she is praying for her captors and persecutors. We should pray for her and her persecutors. Her persecutors need Jesus, otherwise they will have eternity to pay back Jesus for their sins when He comes again or they die. I have a thread going on on a similar subject on this forum that may interest you. It deals with whether we should pray for justice against the U.S.A.:
Should the U.S.A. be Condemned and Judged for It's Sins?
I have learned much from that thread.
Also, what I did in praying for natural disasters as an atheist was wrong. God orchestrated that I pray for harm to befall those He had already determined harm against (Amos 3:6). That said, I have struggled with the guilt of being a monster at heart as an atheist for years, but I see I just have to accept His grace and move on. Thank for that. But think of eternity where I will meet so many I had callously prayed harm against.
If after reading the thread I linked you, and you still believe justice is needed against the Pakistani government and people, I would start a thread addressing whether we should pray for justice against severely persecuting countries like Pakistan. I'd love to comment. I mean, it is best to get counsel so as to be wise, the bible tells us in proverbs (Proverbs 19:20). If after all that you deem it in good conscience to pray for justice against Pakistan, I would pray an open ended prayer that puts God in the driver's seat.
For instance, I prayed in 2017 that God would look down at all the sins the cruise industry aided and abetted, but I asked Him to just take a look and do what He thought right. I would not call fire or lightning down, but instead asked that He see and do what He thought best. Shortly afterwards the 2017 hurricane season flattened most destinations for that industry. A response to prayer that shocked me.
You are talking of harming a whole nation, so, I warn you to have grace, forgiveness, and perseverance for the enemies of the faith. I ask you to seek counsel, and then, if you deem it necessary, to pray in such a way He is in control, whatever He wills, whether it be harm or blessing for Pakistan.
As for your motives as an atheist they are not mine. I pray for God's righteous judgement as His wrath is. There is no wrong in asking God to render a swift verdict as a last resort. Some people are so hard that they leave no other choice. My weapons are not carnal.
2Corinthians 10:3-5
…3For though we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh. 4The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.…
And sometimes to take captive every thought the mind must be shocked into listening.That is the purpose of natural disasters prayed for.