Pete Richert
New Member
I totally agree with Pastor Larry's theology (as far as it is concerned with Charasmatics) but I can understand MagicDar concern about reading the book. Everytime we disagree with something we tell the other person it will be clear as day as soon as the read the book on the issue WRITTEN FROM OUR SIDE. We have all heard of Bias, haven't we? You can find a persuasive book to support any view. Take the KJV debate, depending on who you are talking to, they either tell you to just
Read Riplinger's book, it will all be clear
or read White's book, it will all be clear.
Now I'm not agnostic, I believe in Truth will a capital T. But to be fair to the I think MargicDar should read both sides. Its easy for someone to read their own book when it is preaching to the choir, its another thing all together to give both sides equal weight. Then if one side really is CLEAR and TRUE, the person should find it.
Read Riplinger's book, it will all be clear
or read White's book, it will all be clear.
Now I'm not agnostic, I believe in Truth will a capital T. But to be fair to the I think MargicDar should read both sides. Its easy for someone to read their own book when it is preaching to the choir, its another thing all together to give both sides equal weight. Then if one side really is CLEAR and TRUE, the person should find it.