I see no confusion.Wait - I am a little confused here - in the above quote - you said the US supported slavery
yet in a previous post, you stated that the WBTW was fought over Slavery.
So which is it- Did the USA fight the War to end slavery or to support it?
As far as the document - I would think it carries a lot of weight -
so why are you reluctant to be made aware of it?
AND no, I am NOT looking for a way out of the corner - I simply want to understand all three sides.
The Federal government was made up of all States and the Federal government tolerated slavery. This is the sin the entire USA carried.
When John Brown tried to start a slave revolt, the Southern, slave holding States revolted and started a war to ensure that slavery would remain secure. Since they saw that the Federal government was going to eventually abolish slavery (like Britain had done) the South attacked (much like Japan at Pearl Harbor). The North responded and the war began.
The war was always about the abolishment of slavery. It was not about "states rights", which is a bogus attempt to change the moral ground. It was always about slavery.
Now, neither the South nor the North cared about the racist prejudice they both held toward persons of black skin. Today that prejudice still exists, though on a smaller scale as people inter-marry and blend.
So...no confusion on my part. Though you may be yet confused.