What if a man is divorced and remarried long before he ever wanted to enter the ministry? Like 30 years before? When he was divorced and even when he remarried, he was not saved but came to Christ a few years into his marriage and now he and his wife serve the Lord helping addicts overcome their addiction. Is he disqualified?
Sin is sin, either in Christ-centered marriage or outside of it. IMO, non-Christians are held just as accountable. When they stand before the Great White Throne of Judgment, it will be for rejecting Christ and choosing to disobey what He has commanded. And to not divorce is one of those things.
God takes marriage seriously.
If he came to Christ a few years into his marriage, that means that he and his ( I'm assuming) already saved wife committed another sin of being unequally yoked. Unless his wife is dead, he is committing adultery.
This type of stuff is , I believe, one of the reasons why God takes marriage so seriously.
I'm sure there are some who will say 'that can't be right. Surely God would not have someone who wasn't saved before he got married and divorced" to remain single or be reconciled to his wife?' even if the wife has remarried.
Why wouldn't He?
But praise Him for His grace and His mercy that forgives us even when we sin in such a way.