I don't want it: Don't fear it......But sort of expect it......regretfully.
What worries me more is our own leadership's response to it.
Will they take hold of the courage within the people and give us the freedom to be strong and work towards our own self determination....... or will they use it as to leverage more control of us and take advantage to serve their own selfish interest!
Our men are dying in an unjust war in Iraq over a false story about WMD!
We heard we were after terrorist so we invaded a country which was too weak to be a real threat to us and tore up their infrastructure, their government and ways of living, and have contaminated their lland....... all for the price of oil, war industry, and the bankers.
We heard it was for WMD.....but it was for oil and money interest.
We heard Saddam was a mass murderer...... but we have torn up their farmlands, their towns and cities and killed their people who get caught in the cross fire of the civil disruption which we produced.
We heard it was for democracy but the form of government we have is a republic and 'their free elections' are only as free as the puppets we allow to run.
We heard it was for terrorist.....but we invaded a country which posed no substantial threat to us and had not attacked us, and have made a case for hatred and resentment of our 'imperialistic invasion'.
We heard the terrorist hated our 'freedom'.... so rather than preserve it, our government goes after its own citizens (email, faxes, phone calls, postings on boards like this, alliances and associations, GPS, surveillance and check points, martial law, federalises our police and sheriffs departments into defense games within our cities and urban centers....some with international forces, and profiles our descent politically, economically, socially, ethnically, race and by creed).
We heard it was for our security......yet our borders remain open and insecure.
We hear we must have identification papers to travel and state must provide license and identifications with RFID and biologic identifiers through which data is stored in a national and internationally available data base to 'protect and prove our identity' yet our DOD, and State Department, and Vet Affairs, and DHS and Social Security, have lost laptops and hard drives with masses of information........ stupid government....who do they think their fooling?........ but they can't identify illegal aliens living in our midst and deport them!
The agriculture department wants to implant our domestic and local farm animals with RFID chips....and requires records be kept on each movement between pastures, and places.....'to secure against disease outbreaks' but they don't require the same of industrial styled husbandry which is practically the only ones big enough to market to export, but that's the excuse they give.... so that tracked animals can be sold on the export (unless the plan is to confiscate our small farm livestock ......to satisfy the debt to other nations perhaps?) RFID, cannot prevent disease.... and in a small brood of poultry or livestock, a good husbandry man is going to observe, isolate and destroy an animal before it infects his livelihood or family substinance for food.
Germany, Russia, and China are all open about their weather control, but our government doesn't peep about our own ability to modify the weather..... why not? What about those unusual storms, tornadoes, floods, droughts? Why do they 'sell' us stupid crap like 'carbon emmissions' and environmental concerns when the CO2 is a naturally occurring molecule composing 0.038% of our atmospheric gases, and whose balance is controlled by the balance God designed between animals and plant life.
What about 'peak oil'. God designed the insides of the earth to produce this black gold between the minerals and the bacteria (no, it did not come from plants nor animals in a dynasaurer age).
We hear that we must be prepared for a pandemic, or a 'bird flu' but we are not told by our congressmen that 25% of the budget which goes to government grants for research is going into genetic engineering..... No....not genetic diagnosis....but the development of new species: but then only a few of our congressmen may know this.... and neither they nor we have the power to require openness and accountability over projects..... mostly funded through the DOD and 'classified' except for the expos`e of a few courageous 'squealer's who are more concerned for our welfare than for the secrecy and potential for evil and the keeping of their jobs.
We hear about the tremendous earthquake in China.... but there was almost no news about the cluster of earth quakes which preceeded it in Utah and around Oregan... with the Utah ones showing a distinctive grid pattern..... Are the earthquakes of today really naturally caused or has research into Teslar and other forms of energy burst, and waves created a new WMD being perfected by the giants of the world to reduce and enslave the population to turn this world into a play ground Utopia for the elite who rule?
Oh....... as madly crazy that these ravings may sound.....never fear......there's a solution already in the works for people after my ilk........ our government has already participated in the design, approval, and dispersment of mind altering drugs: There's aspartane, MSG, and flourides in food and water; then we have the psychotropic drugs; the major tranquilizers; the antidepressants; the hypnotics, the amnesiaics and the stimulants. Our children have been drugged under the diagnosis of ADD and ADHD; now some are diagnosising pre-kindergarten and young grade school children as 'depressive' or 'bipolar' and promoting these powerful drugs. Congress has either passed or will soon vote on a bill touted as being 'for' the welfare of mothers..... but it is designed to be a portal for screening and diagnosing every woman who gives birth 'for adjustment disorder or post partem depression'...... something which is very real for some, and very normal considering the body takes a quick nose dive from the hormonal rush sustained through pregnancy caused by its termination: A question trully suspect by any thinking person is...... if this is really a necessary 'support' to aid a recent mother, then why isn't it being required of those who have late term abortions....... or is this just big-pharma's way of securing more prescription sales and profits and benefits the psychiactric and social services community?
Yes, I think we already have terrorism but it is not coming from the cars we drive and our carbon imprint for keeping cool in summer, warm in winter, or cooking our food in sanitary conditions. It is coming from the very technology which has given us the good life...... and from people who's imaginings are godless and really fear overpopulation or are demonic in their desire for power and their hatred of humankind!
Laugh at me if you will.....but there has been an occult influence in our government for sometime: Various Presidents and/or their wives have entertained seances, astrology, .........the Jean Dixon's of this world, and channelers. Many of the people in high positions are there by appointment or endorsement. Their associations..... if opened for examination, would reveal interconnecting memberships and relationships and involvement in orders like Free Masonry, The Jesuits, The Illuminatti, Skull and Bones, Opus Dei, The Rosicrucians, Cabalists, The New Age... and other cultic and occultic organizations. They bond together by association, their sharing and election by each other to positions of power, and by fraternal bonds of blood oaths to support and secrecy within their 'brothehood' and worshipful rituals and symbols which incorportate the influences of early paganism; the mysteries of babylon and Egypt; gods of molech and ashtar. Many appear to have a form of godliness.....but listen carefully and you will hear beyond their enticing words, how they deny the power of Jehovah God. They are whited sepulchres full of dead mens bones. They may appear as sheep...... but look for the signs of th wolf pack..... do they promote death (abortion; euthaniasia; eugenics) or acts like war (unjust and unnecessary) or lifestyle and behaviors which contribute to self destruction and death? When they speak of God..... do you hear 'relationship' or do you hear 'parroting'........and is their characterization correct or in error?
This is the terrorism of which I am concerned..... For the regenerated believer in Jesus Christ, we have no option but to fight and make warfare with the whole armor of God to protect us and must encourage each other and exercise ourselves ever ready for spiritual battle with prayer, the Word and the mind of Christ, praying without ceasing. Those who don't know Jesus have no protection ....... and are dependant on our sharing the Word so they might be saved. More important than our physical preservation is our endurance and faithfulness to the end, if and when we are hit by these 'terrorist' events.