Well-Known Member
It was because of THEIR behavior that the police were called in the first place. Follow the rules and behave yourself and you will never have to deal with a cop. They were in the wrong.
Any black person will tell you that's a lie.
All of them should have obeyed what the officer was saying and nothing would have happened
Another lie. The reality of Black folks and what the white privileged believe are two different things.
Undervalued and marginalized lives is the prevailing culture by a lot of officers when dealing with Blacks.
Even his chief says his actions were indefensible and he came to the scene "out-of-control." When even your chief admits that, there's a problem.
So y'all can once again save the "if they'd just obey " stuff. It's real easy for a lot of white Americans to lecture black folks on "just obeying" the police when they haven't been brutalized and had their lives marginalized by the same police.
When the police have historically been a party in the enslavement and beatings and lynchings and burnings and hangings of black people, why on earth do some white people think that Blacks are gonna feel the need to just obey them?
When you've got police officers killing unarmed black folks for nothing, you'd have to be a dummy to obey and get killed without trying to give yourself a fighting chance to live.
It's the same thing as telling folks not to willingly go with a kidnapper. Don't get in the trunk without a fight because they are probably gonna kill you.
Same thing with Blacks and the police. The trend has become that they will shoot you and say you were reaching for something.
Don't fall into the trap of "just obeying" someone who is trying to kill you.
White folks don't do it and Black folks shouldn't either.