Now wouldn't that be a hoot?
The same state it was 45 or more years ago? Yeah, I reckon it would be.
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Now wouldn't that be a hoot?
I was a registered Republican for many more years than I have been a registered Democrat. I switched as I could not stomach, nor as a Christian, not as a human, not as a thinking person, not as a person attempting to live my life by the Golden Rule, continue to follow the Republicans in their movement of causing friction between the races and in their movement away from compassionate conservatism to greedy self serving demagoguery. They played for the white vote and it served them well for many years. Finally this year it caught up with them and now they are scrambling, trying to find a way out of the brier patch they placed themselves in ... beginning 50 or so years ago.
I don't believe you.
Democrats then were a whole different breed from Democrats now. I voted for several democratic candidates in the early 70's to mid-80's. Hard to find one I could vote for now- and the Republicans are nearly as bad.
You can believe this. I grew up in Mississippi in the 50s and 60s, and saw black Americans treated in a manner that I knew was wrong when I was twelve years old, yet, the state and local governments, and for that matter the general populace, thought it normal. I saw things done I will not recount here, but surfice to say, I can spot a racist a mile away, and if there is a group that I have a remaining deep hatred of, it is them.I don't believe you.
Thanks, you helped me prove my point. Fifty years ago, 1962, was the era when the GOP's Southern Strategy was being formulated. Harry Dent was the architect of the strategy. Thurmond changed from being a Democrat to being a Republican and four years later helped hold the South for Nixon. Dent helped Nixon formulate the Southern Strategy which Nixon used in his first successful campaign for the presidency. The Southern Strategy is well documented across the political spectrum.
These are the facts and are historically sound. Prove them wrong. You posted nothing to support your comment. How about backing up your hateful words with facts.
Yes, and they all became Republicans after Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1965.
I was a registered Republican for many more years than I have been a registered Democrat. I switched as I could not stomach, nor as a Christian, not as a human, not as a thinking person, not as a person attempting to live my life by the Golden Rule, continue to follow the Republicans in their movement of causing friction between the races and in their movement away from compassionate conservatism to greedy self serving demagoguery. They played for the white vote and it served them well for many years. Finally this year it caught up with them and now they are scrambling, trying to find a way out of the brier patch they placed themselves in ... beginning 50 or so years ago.
Now you can pant, shout, cry, scream and call names. That only shows you have no facts on which to place your stance.
No, it is well disputed along party lines. HISTORY shows that democrats were without question the party of bigotry...and still are. Just look at Obamacare, and their decision to unilaterally force people to violate their own religious convictions.
You have yet to back up what you have said with facts: I have provided facts. Look at the voting record of the senate and house. Democrats=bigots. Case closed.
As I said, that is ridiculous. Maybe you need to READ comments...the KKK campaigned AGAINST Ronald Reagan..
The KKK has been, and is now, supporters of the democratic party. In fact, believe it or not, they were campaigning for Obama!
Potok agreed with some Klan members' view that President Obama had been the Klan's most effective recruiting tool in the past four or five years.
What lies. You were a republican like Hitler was a free market capitalist. The democrats have tried to twist history, but you cannot hide their history of hate and bigotry.
FYI: NO true Christian, indwelled with the Holy Spirit of God, can support abortion...
You are the one who has failed to show facts. All you have done is linked to a democrat conspiracy theory. The only thing I have called anyone is "liar", because, well, you are lying. Stop lying, and I will stop "calling names" (e.g. "calling things what they are").
Black Woman Burned Alive by KKK for Wearing Obama T-Shirt
22 Oct 2012 – Post-racial society, huh? Notice that the media no longer utters that utterly ridiculous phrase after the multiplicity of race-based episodes the last ...
Indiana KKK Says Obama Will Be Assassinated - YouTube
17 Apr 2009 – The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate. Viewer discretion is ...
Proof please that this is now true. I give you quotes and sources. You give me your opinion. Please give me credible sources.
Your opinion, no proof, no sources, no quotes.
Proof please that this is now true. I give you quotes and sources. You give me your opinion. Please give me credible sources.
The topic is the Nixon Southern Strategy and Texas moving to the Democratic column.
Proof please that this is now true. I give you quotes and sources. You give me your opinion. Please give me credible sources.
Whoa, what a great source of unbiased news. Surely you can do better.
Have you ever thought why the KKK might say this? Not for the reasons you hope unthinking people will reach. The see Obama as a means to recruit members to their ranks who hate Obama. WOW, not what you wanted discovered is it?
More shrill statements. You can do better.
As many has said, when you have no argument all names and try to insult. It pleases the uneducated, unthinking folk.
Ah, poor baby. You give one source and it shows the KKK uses Obama to recruit racist to their camp.
Try reading the following:
There is a lot more. So the KKK saying they support Obama is not for reasons you allude to. Be honest Hav. you are smart enough to know you are beating a dead horse on this subject.
You have yet to provide any credible sources, or proof. Again, LOOK AT THE VOTING RECORD. The Dems opposed the Civil Rights act. They were the pro-slave party. These are historical facts. All you have given is conspiracy theories from liberal rags.
I am speaking of the 21st Century ... current events. You are talking about the past centuries. You are talking 20th century and also at times 19th century. You are like a person saying the economy now is the fault of Hoover ... you need to start living in the now.
The Republican Southern Strategy, that began under Nixon fundamentally switched the Republicans to the ideas of the old Democratic Party. Any reparable historian will agree with that. It is the way the Republicans won the South into their column and it has worked well for them up until this election.
You have yet to provide any credible sources, or proof. Again, LOOK AT THE VOTING RECORD. The Dems opposed the Civil Rights act. They were the pro-slave party. These are historical facts.
No reputable historian believes in conspiracy theories. What you have stated is liberal, made up hogwash, that is meant to distract people from the actual voting record (you know, factual things...) of the Democratic party.
And no, it wasn't some event that took place millions of years ago, in a galaxy far far away. There are still plenty of folk that were alive when the bigot democrats so strongly opposed the Civil Rights act...who so STRONGLY opposed black integration. Some of them aren't even that old. So no, it was not some far off event.
And again, the "southern strategy" is nothing but propaganda. I saw, with my own eyes, the KKK with signs picketing against Reagan. The only thing that has changed, is that the White men at the top of the Democratic party (the Bankers and billionaires that supported Obama's campaign), have realized they can keep down the black population better by talking about "women's reproductive rights" (a.k.a. murder of black children)...The slave owner party has convinced black americans and latino americans, that the guy trying to help them is their enemy..
SOUTHERN Dems opposed the Civil Rights Act. The Dixiecrats were formed in 1948 as a faction of the Democratic Party that opposed integration of the races.
You can say that until the cows come home, but facts are nasty things and do not agree with you.
Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America ...
Nixonland and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle. ..... Nixon's "so-called" Southern strategy, as immoral and as illegitimate as it may ...
Nixon's Southern strategy 'It's All In the Charts' - The New York Times
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by J BOYD - Cited by 9 - Related articles
Nixon's Southern strategy 'It's All In the Charts'. By JAMES BOYD. New York Times (1857-Current file); May 17, 1970; ProQuest Historical Newspapers The New ...
Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although the phrase "Southern strategy" is often attributed to Nixon's political ..... York Times.
The Neocons and Nixon's southern strategy
30 Dec 2002 – The Neocons and Nixon's southern strategy ... House, was a founding panelist of three national TV shows, and is the author of nine books.
The Republicans' “Southern Strategy” Unmasked? | UNC Press Blog
30 Apr 2010 – For example, two influential Atlanta journalists, Reg Murphy and Hal Gulliver, wrote in their 1972 book, The Southern Strategy, that Nixon's ...
The “Southern Strategy,” fulfilled -
3 Feb 2011 – It was under Nixon that the “Southern Strategy” was born. The idea was simple: Millions of white Southern voters who had been raised to vote ...
Nixon's Southern Strategy: The Democrat-Lie Keeping Their Control ...
20 Jun 2012 – Richard Nixon's “Southern Strategy”, which the democrats say is the ... In his book, Nixon wrote this about campaigning in the south, “The deep ...
Outhouse hearkens back to Nixon's Southern strategy › News › Opinion › Letters to the Editor
15 Jul 2012 – Outhouse hearkens back to Nixon's Southern strategy ... me of Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy used to win the presidency in 1968.
Southern strategy - RationalWiki
16 Oct 2012 – The Southern strategy was Richard Nixon's campaign strategy to win the Southern United States for the Republican Party during the 1968 and ...
Yep facts are nasty things. And all the liberal commentators in the world won't change that. They have books about how the holocaust didn't happen too...those are just as fictional. (FYI, some of the sites you listed here, ADMIT that this is a "democratic theory" not demonstrable historical fact).
The facts speak for themselves. Even right now, your bigot Democratic president is trying to force us to violate our own conscience, and participate in his killing of millions of children. THIS is demonstrable fact. And people such as yourself who support this butchering, are no better than the people who looked the other way while the holocaust was going on.
The "dixiecrats" might have been formed then, but Democrats had been the anti-black party from before the Civil War!
And your Southern/Northern theory doesn't hold as well as you'd like. 10 northern dems, also opposed the bill,
as did the Democrat party as a whole. :tonofbricks:
Dems were also the most outspoken against integration..Jim Crow Laws, the Southern Manifesto...all products of the Democratic party.
Since 63% of all Dems in House and Senate voted for the bill, how can you say the Democratic Party as a whole opposed it?
Show me a post where I said I support abortion!
This one. You said you support the Democrat party.
"Democrats will continue to stand up to Republican efforts to defund Planned Parenthood"
"The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade"
Don't want fleas? Don't lay down with dogs... :tonofbricks: