Texas Governor Greg Abbot is calling for a Constitutional Convention of the States to bring Washington politicians back in line with the rule of law, and the spirit of the Constitution.
If you are unfamiliar with what a Constitutional Convention is, it’s pretty simple. Article V of the Constitution makes it clear that Congress has the power to amend the Constitution by adding Amendments. Most people understand that it is Congress, and not the president, no matter how mighty his pen or phone may be, that writes the laws.
In addition, however, Article V also gives the same power to amend the Constitution to the states. The states can convene, propose an amendment, and as long as there is a 3/4 agreement from the states, that amendment shall be ratified.
The reason why this power of the states, although it has yet to be used, was added into the Constitution, was to prevent an out of control national government. Many of the Founding Fathers recognized the power that a centralized government could grant itself if left unchecked, and so provided an outlet for the states to d that power. Governor Abbot said,
“The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built.”
If you are unfamiliar with what a Constitutional Convention is, it’s pretty simple. Article V of the Constitution makes it clear that Congress has the power to amend the Constitution by adding Amendments. Most people understand that it is Congress, and not the president, no matter how mighty his pen or phone may be, that writes the laws.
In addition, however, Article V also gives the same power to amend the Constitution to the states. The states can convene, propose an amendment, and as long as there is a 3/4 agreement from the states, that amendment shall be ratified.
The reason why this power of the states, although it has yet to be used, was added into the Constitution, was to prevent an out of control national government. Many of the Founding Fathers recognized the power that a centralized government could grant itself if left unchecked, and so provided an outlet for the states to d that power. Governor Abbot said,
“The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built.”