Scott Downey
Well-Known Member
Their GND energy grid is a DUD, and their experience is what GND people want for the entire country, plus a lot of dead birds and bats. When the wind does not blow or the sun shine, there is not enough power, and when it does blow, and its frigid outside their is not enough power. Their answer to Texans, was use less power...
Texas's 'Nightmare' Energy Situation Is a Warning to the Rest of America
If there's one thing you would think Texas would be able to do, it's keep the lights on. Most electricity comes from natural gas and Texas produces more of that than any place on the continent. There are huge natural gas deposits all over the state.
Running out of energy in Texas is like starving to death at the grocery store: You can only do it on purpose, and Texas did.
Texas's 'Nightmare' Energy Situation Is a Warning to the Rest of America
If there's one thing you would think Texas would be able to do, it's keep the lights on. Most electricity comes from natural gas and Texas produces more of that than any place on the continent. There are huge natural gas deposits all over the state.
Running out of energy in Texas is like starving to death at the grocery store: You can only do it on purpose, and Texas did.