Martin Marprelate said:If you are so keen on the church fathers, may I ask if you
Gather your infants, turn them to the West and get them publicly to renounce "Satan, his pomp, his works and his service"?
Strip them stark naked and rub them with oil which has first been exorcised?
After baptizing them, perform 'Chrismation' upon them?
Give your infants lighted tapers, milk and honey, and then immediately give the communion?
Believe that baptism washes away all sins committed before baptism (not much help to a newborn baby)?
Do you? Wow! So you get these tiny infants and get them to renounce Satan? And then you give them lighted tapers? Isn't that a wee bit dangerous? And then you give them communion bread when they're not even weaned? I don't think so.Yep! We absolutely do.
If you stay here long enough, you will learn that almost no one reads links. You need to do the work yourself and express yourself in your own words.(Of course you probably already know that, having read the links in the OP.)
Too bad the Apostles never say anything about these things. Cyril was writing 250-300 years after their time. But he follows the Apostles to a certain extent: he makes no mention of infants or 'godparents'Because this is/was the practice of the Church received from the Apostles!
Correction: you are arguing from silence. You are saying that although Cyril never mentions infant baptism, because your denomination believes in it, he must have meant to mention it bit somehow forgot.Correction: He writes nothing of it. You're arguing from silence here.
It is indeed a resounding witness, to you're denomination's errors and your own gullibility. You think that because your denomination is ancient, it must be correct. Let me remind you that deception is as old as Satan (John 8:44).But the Church that still keeps this practice precisely also still applies it to infants. That's not silence, but a resounding witness.
In fact, Cyril's (and other church fathers') errors led to the early Christians delaying baptism as long as possible. Monica, the mother of Augustine delayed his baptism on the grounds that she did not want him to lose the supposed grace of baptism through all the sins She (correctly) felt sure he would commit. Constantine was not baptized until he was on his deathbed, and the Emperor Valentinian II delayed it too long and was murdered before he could be baptized. Whereupon Ambrose of Milan invented the idea of 'baptismal desire' which, of course, is found neither in the Bible nor anywhere else up to this point.
The church fathers are full of contradictions and errors. The only place of safety is the Bible, the word of the living God.
There is no command in the Bible for infants to receive water baptism.
There is no instance in the Bible of infants being baptized.
There is no reference in the Bible to infants being baptized.
Water baptism in the Bible is constantly tied in with repentance, faith and discipleship (eg Matthew 3:6, 11; 28:19; Mark 16:16; John 4:1; Acts 2:41; 8:12, 13, 36-37; 16:14-15, 31-34; 1 Corinthians 1:16: compare with 16:15f; Ephesians 4:5).