I thank God first and foremost. I am sorry you struggle with that. I'm not here to sing the praises of man, or type them, or speak them, for whatever loophole you might find in that statement. To me it is idolatrous in nature, which shows another reason why I won't become thematic about Calvinism. So let's agree to disagree and leave it lie. All the subpoints you can give on this in further attempt to prove you're right are a given. I just don't happen to agree with them.
Who said to NOT thank God first and foremost?
You don't agree that we ought to thank PEOPLE too????
Do you thank your mother???
That's silly.
Of course it is ok to thank Calvin and George Washington and Ben Franklin for our freedom.
To argue against that is nonsensical.
And we were doing so well, you and I.:smilewinkgrin: