I stumbled across this video, and it blessed the socks off my feet.
If this room full of U.S. Marines singing with "Unbridaled Passion" does not make you thankful and proud, you may be dead!
If it blesses you as it did me, please feel free to pass it on to someone else. These men are not only proudly serving this country; they are not afraid to show their conviction and love for the Father. This is the kind of praise and worship I suspect we'll be party to in heaven! Who knows, maybe God will allow a few "Hoorahs!" mixed with Hallelujahs and Praise the Lord?
If this blessed you and inspired your patriotism too, please leave a :thumbs:
If this room full of U.S. Marines singing with "Unbridaled Passion" does not make you thankful and proud, you may be dead!
If it blesses you as it did me, please feel free to pass it on to someone else. These men are not only proudly serving this country; they are not afraid to show their conviction and love for the Father. This is the kind of praise and worship I suspect we'll be party to in heaven! Who knows, maybe God will allow a few "Hoorahs!" mixed with Hallelujahs and Praise the Lord?
:thumbsup: "Hoorah!" :thumbs:
If this blessed you and inspired your patriotism too, please leave a :thumbs: