Well-Known Member
In watching news reports of the disappearance of Flight 370 these past weeks, I could not help but see a similarity with the prevalent view of the ‘Rapture’ doctrine held by many sincere Christians.
One day --- soon, they say --- true born-again Christians will disappear off the face of the Earth.
Like Flight 370, they will not leave a trace of their whereabouts behind.
Except, of course, for the numerous websites which will explain the Rapture to the uninitiated.
According to this popular theory held by those of the Futurist school of prophetic interpretation Christ will return in two-stages.
In stage 1 His return will be invisible, above the Earth.
His purpose: rescue His Church from The Great 7-year Tribulation instigated by a future unknown Antichrist.
To be fair, many Futurists hold to a mid-Trib Rapture.
A minority hold to a post-Trib Rapture.
There is much documentation Online as to the origin of these Rapture theories, so I need not detail the particulars here.
It should be mentioned, however, that these theories were unknown to the Christian Church until the 19th century.
Thus, for 1800 years the Church had not a clue that Christ was coming to rescue them from tribulation.
They had not a clue that Christ’s return was in 2-stages.
They had not a clue that the blessed martyrs were not quite as blessed as those Christians who would escape tribulation in the Rapture.
They had not a clue that enduring the extreme penalties imposed on them for centuries by decree of the ‘Christian’ Roman Catholic Church, all because they stood firm in their faith, would be surpassed by a ‘Great 7-year Tribulation’ imposed by a secular dictator in the last days.
They had not a clue that loss of all goods, including homes for which they worked hard, loss of personal freedom due to their imprisonment or restriction to certain boundaries, loss of freedom to buy and sell goods necessary for life and livelihood, loss of freedom to evangelize, loss of freedom to own, carry and teach the Bible, loss of assurance of freedom from harm by the religious and secular authorities who could arrest them at whim, loss of children who were slaughtered or taken captive, loss of family members due to imprisonment, never to be seen or heard from again, loss of life and limb by various cruel methods, including starvation, burning alive, strangulation, unimaginably cruel tortures, hanging, not to mention the severing of body parts by the sword……would be far surpassed by evils perpetrated during the 7-year Great Tribulation!
I ask the discerning, open-minded reader: What tribulation could be worse than that which has already happened to unknown multitudes of Christians…..all of which were ordained by 'sanctified, holy Christian men of God', who were and are today called ‘another Christ’ and the ‘Vicar of Christ'?
BTW, the sadistic victimizing of children by the Roman clergy has been ongoing for centuries. You can read of it in the extant Church Councils. You can read of it in their own histories. Such non-Christian satanic behavior is not limited to recent history.
This sordid truth was yet another reason why true Christians were disgusted and repulsed by the Roman Popes, priests, monks and friars.
Escape tribulation?
I believe the infallible words of our Lord:
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
2-stage return?
I believe the infallible words of Scripture:
First comes Antichrist, then comes Christ.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, [The Day of the Lord's return in judgment], except there come a falling away first, [Apostasy of the professing Christian Roman Church], and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [the Papal Antichrist, the Beast]
One day --- soon, they say --- true born-again Christians will disappear off the face of the Earth.
Like Flight 370, they will not leave a trace of their whereabouts behind.
Except, of course, for the numerous websites which will explain the Rapture to the uninitiated.
According to this popular theory held by those of the Futurist school of prophetic interpretation Christ will return in two-stages.
In stage 1 His return will be invisible, above the Earth.
His purpose: rescue His Church from The Great 7-year Tribulation instigated by a future unknown Antichrist.
To be fair, many Futurists hold to a mid-Trib Rapture.
A minority hold to a post-Trib Rapture.
There is much documentation Online as to the origin of these Rapture theories, so I need not detail the particulars here.
It should be mentioned, however, that these theories were unknown to the Christian Church until the 19th century.
Thus, for 1800 years the Church had not a clue that Christ was coming to rescue them from tribulation.
They had not a clue that Christ’s return was in 2-stages.
They had not a clue that the blessed martyrs were not quite as blessed as those Christians who would escape tribulation in the Rapture.
They had not a clue that enduring the extreme penalties imposed on them for centuries by decree of the ‘Christian’ Roman Catholic Church, all because they stood firm in their faith, would be surpassed by a ‘Great 7-year Tribulation’ imposed by a secular dictator in the last days.
They had not a clue that loss of all goods, including homes for which they worked hard, loss of personal freedom due to their imprisonment or restriction to certain boundaries, loss of freedom to buy and sell goods necessary for life and livelihood, loss of freedom to evangelize, loss of freedom to own, carry and teach the Bible, loss of assurance of freedom from harm by the religious and secular authorities who could arrest them at whim, loss of children who were slaughtered or taken captive, loss of family members due to imprisonment, never to be seen or heard from again, loss of life and limb by various cruel methods, including starvation, burning alive, strangulation, unimaginably cruel tortures, hanging, not to mention the severing of body parts by the sword……would be far surpassed by evils perpetrated during the 7-year Great Tribulation!
I ask the discerning, open-minded reader: What tribulation could be worse than that which has already happened to unknown multitudes of Christians…..all of which were ordained by 'sanctified, holy Christian men of God', who were and are today called ‘another Christ’ and the ‘Vicar of Christ'?
BTW, the sadistic victimizing of children by the Roman clergy has been ongoing for centuries. You can read of it in the extant Church Councils. You can read of it in their own histories. Such non-Christian satanic behavior is not limited to recent history.
This sordid truth was yet another reason why true Christians were disgusted and repulsed by the Roman Popes, priests, monks and friars.
Escape tribulation?
I believe the infallible words of our Lord:
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
2-stage return?
I believe the infallible words of Scripture:
First comes Antichrist, then comes Christ.
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, [The Day of the Lord's return in judgment], except there come a falling away first, [Apostasy of the professing Christian Roman Church], and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [the Papal Antichrist, the Beast]