The Revised Standard Version really met its “comeuppance” from evangelicals, conservatives, and fundamentalists after the entire Bible (Old and New Testaments) was printed in 1952. However, at least some Christians noticed a problem as soon as the New Testament was available.
Edward Burden Warren, pastor of the Southern Baptist church in Orrville, Alabama, wrote letters about it to the
Montgomery Advertiser and
Selma Times-Journal in December 1953.
“The student of the Bible is shocked to read the statement of the revisers, ‘After two years of debate and experiment it was to abandon these forms (Thou, Thee, and Thine) and to follow modern usage, except in language addressed to God.’
“In the Revised Standard Version Jesus is addressed as ‘You.’ See Matthew 4:3 for a case, ‘If you are the Son of God, etc.’ The translators intentionally did this. According to their statement Jesus is not divine. The revisers say that they debated two years over this matter and decided to address only God with ‘Thou’.
“The sum total of the translators’ statement is that they do not believe in the deity of Jesus Christ.”
Edward B. Warren, Orrville, Alabama, “Revision of the Bible,” in the “Tell It to Old Grandma” column,
The Montgomery Advertiser, Sunday, December 15, 1946, p. 4-A.

“Revised Standard Version,” in “Letter Box” column,
The Selma Times-Journal, Sunday, December 15, 1946, p. 4