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Catholics worship Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Trinity. A Catholic word we invented.
You welcome for my straight forward answers, return the favor.
When a man sins is he doing what God wanted and desired him to do? Yes or No.
The Church of rome worships God with her mouth, and yet her heart is far from him, as they take the commandments and teachings of mere men and place them on par with god and his word!
What is the gospel, according to Rome, as it is not the same one Jesus and Paul taught us!
"My question is this:
When a man sins is he doing what God wanted and desired him to do? Yes or No."
My repeated answer, for the umpteenth time is this:
The answer is no. The Calvinists on this forum are wrong. But so are all the perversions of Roman Catholicism.Its a yes or no question. Satan would not want to answer this either because he would rather have the distortion of what the command of God means.
When a man sins is he doing what God wanted and desired him to do? Yes or No.
Jesus Christ is Lord. Only the truth will set you free.
Any Christian can answer this easily. One who follows the devil cannot he must distort the command of God.
See we deny worshipping any other but Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is LORD.
But when I present the command of God, you will not say amen to it. Instead you are against the command of God.
John 14
15“If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
You should repent and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Rather then avoid the command of God.
I can praise Jesus Christ 24/7 and you can't even say amen to his command.
The answer is no. The Calvinists on this forum are wrong. But so are all the perversions of Roman Catholicism.
The answer is no. The Calvinists on this forum are wrong.
And what about Rahab? Or Ruth? And what about all those who loved before Israel was ever a nation?Put on your thinking cap.
Re-read the OP.
Now please explain how God's love and desire for the salvation of all mankind is evidenced when He purposefully kept the Gospel hidden from the Gentiles for centuries of generations?
Remember the basics:
No Gospel = no Faith
No Faith = no Salvation
No Gospel = no Salvation
No Salvation = no Love
No Love = Damnation
Except that the Bible refutes the basic tenets of Roman Catholicism.That is the correct answer.
A Calvinist however is stuck. He cannot say "no".
Because if it is admitted that the command of God establishes his obvious want and desire then God's desire of all men not to sin, God's desire for all men to Love God and Love neighbor.
God's desire and want for all men not to sin pointing to a desire for all to be saved.
God's love of all people.
"But so are all the perversions of Roman Catholicism."
I agree 100%
We just call them protestants though.
Except that the Bible refutes the basic tenets of Roman Catholicism.
Romans chapter 4 and 5 refute sacramental salvation.
Put on your thinking cap.
Re-read the OP.
Now please explain how God's love and desire for the salvation of all mankind is evidenced when He purposefully kept the Gospel hidden from the Gentiles for centuries of generations?
Remember the basics:
No Gospel = no Faith
No Faith = no Salvation
No Gospel = no Salvation
No Salvation = no Love
No Love = Damnation
Romans 4 and 5 refutes the idea of salvation through religious rituals/good works including baptism, confirmation, prayers to Mary, The Rosary, Confession of sins to a priest, last rites, the "Eucharist" and other Catholic "sacraments".A Rose by any other name is still a Rose. You have a problem with the word "sacrament".
The Sacraments ARE salvation.
Romans 4 and 5 does a practice of confirmation.
Romans 4 and 5 has forgiveness Reconciliation in action
Jordan you are saying you can be saved WITHOUT forgiveness from God, WITHOUT God sending the holy spirit.
If you are in a burning building, you are about to die, you are alone, you pray to God for forgiveness. Right there the sacrament of Reconciliation takes place.
Every act of God is SACRED. God gifts us Sacraments
I'm sorry that word is too big for you.
Every act of God is HOLY. God gifts us little hollies......
Call it whatever you want.
God's gifts like forgiveness and baptism.....are Sacred.....thus sacraments. They are not things we do they are things he does.
You might not agree with the full formal reverent expression, like confessing your sins to the church, a pastor.
The solution is not throw away the baby with the bathwater.
If you want to start a catholic debate, please make another thread.
Romans 4 and 5 refutes the idea of salvation through religious rituals/good works including baptism, confirmation, prayers to Mary, The Rosary, Confession of sins to a priest, last rites, the "Eucharist" and other Catholic "sacraments".
And what about Rahab? Or Ruth? And what about all those who loved before Israel was ever a nation?
Men have been calling in the name of the Lord since Genesis.
My view is somewhat different than those expressed on this thread. I don't believe God needs to decree reprobation at all. I believe election is based upon mercy (Rom. 9:16,18, 22-24) and "mercy" demands that a just sentence of condemnation has already been passed or else "mercy" has no meaning at all.
Therefore, God did not need to decree reprobation because all mankind without exception were condemned in the fall and justly deserved eternal damnation. Election is based upon "mercy" and therefore election is not of a yet unfallen number of mankind, but is God's merciful act toward a specific number of mankind perceived as already fallen and justly condemned.
That is right, I am not a superlapsarian. I believe the logical order of decrees is seen in the order found revealed in scripture. God decreed the fall of all mankind in connection with accountability to the proper use of free will. All mankind without exception were justly condemned and therefore the elect were equally "children of wrath EVEN AS OTHERS."
Therefore, since all mankind without exception were justly condemned, God by unconditional election chose a great number of JUSTLY CONDEMNED persons to be saved based wholly upon mercy as any election based upon justice would result in no election of any fallen man at all.
Hence, God did not need to decree reprobation since all were justly condemned already. He was free to condemn the whole human race to hell JUSTLY. Only "mercy" could be the basis to elect any of them to salvation. Those non-elect can't complain because they get precisely what they deserved and won't complain because they are at "enmity toward God." The elect can't boast because they too were "children of wrath even as others" and therefore were "children of disobedience" with the same "enmity" and nothing accounts for their election to salvation but God's purpose of election according to grace and mercy.
A Rose by any other name is still a Rose. You have a problem with the word "sacrament".
The Sacraments ARE salvation.
Romans 4 and 5 does a practice of confirmation.
Romans 4 and 5 has forgiveness Reconciliation in action
Jordan you are saying you can be saved WITHOUT forgiveness from God, WITHOUT God sending the holy spirit.
If you are in a burning building, you are about to die, you are alone, you pray to God for forgiveness. Right there the sacrament of Reconciliation takes place.
Every act of God is SACRED. God gifts us Sacraments
I'm sorry that word is too big for you.
Every act of God is HOLY. God gifts us little hollies......
Call it whatever you want.
God's gifts like forgiveness and baptism.....are Sacred.....thus sacraments. They are not things we do they are things he does.
You might not agree with the full formal reverent expression, like confessing your sins to the church, a pastor.
The solution is not throw away the baby with the bathwater.
If you want to start a catholic debate, please make another thread.