Well hello friend! Bummed because I cant get out to Scranton today because of the snow storm. My friends funeral. I hate walking into RC Churches though. More because this was the one that baptised me as a baby.
So your writing a paper on Anabaptists. Did it also include their own bloody & violent past history?
Yes. Apostolic Successionists and Baptist who believe they have an unbroken line all the way back to John the Baptist love to reference the Anabaptists.
Of course they are not very quick to acknowledge their heresies and their anarchist origins. Thomas Muntzer was one of the founders, at least propagators of the Anabaptists and he lead in the Peasant's War which cost about 100,000 lives.
For these reasons, the antecedent suppression of Anabaptists seems reasonable to me.
And though we would agree with some of their tenets including religious liberty, separation of church and state and, of course, credobaptism we cannot honestly trace our baptist roots to them, imo.
Let the Mennonites have this odd movement.