Since September I have sent out more than 50 letters to random false teachers ranging from the Cults, Catholics, New Agers, to Gay/Homosexual churches. Unfortunately I only received about 5 responses, however I had some deep and long conversations with a certain Universalist minister, and some Catholics.
I developed a new strategy based on an idea I got from a The Way of the Master radio podcast. So instead of sending snail mail letters with tracts why not send them emails and ask them questions instead of preaching at them? So I sent out about 12 email to again random false churches in the Denver metro area with this question.
I have a question for you. Is the Bible the word of God? Why or why not?
Unfortunately I got no responses, but I did have a dialogue with an Emergent pastor from a Oregon church when I was on vacation there about a month ago and he did not back away from answering questions from me. So my question.
Do you have any other questions I could pose on the false pastors? On a The Way of the Master radio podcast the caller said that he sent an email to a church and asked how he could get saved, and this resulted in a dialogue with the pastor and an opportunely to proclaim the truth over error and also evangelize the false pastor. Thanks..