Please lay out your exact soteriology for us, denying the total depravity of man, denying the unmerited election of the saints, denying the particular atonement of those who believe, denying the irresistible call of God, and denying the perseverance of the saints.The TULIP doctrines are completely false from the first syllable to the last. They are not biblical any more than David Koresh's doctrine that allowed him to sleep with his member's fourteen year old daughters was biblical. You can make a so called biblical argument to make washing dishes a sin or murder a virtue if that's what you really want to do but that doesn't mean that you've made an argument that is actually rationally and biblically sound.
The simplest proof of this is that that TULIP doctrines directly imply, and are at least partially predicated on, the idea that God is arbitrary.
The God of scripture is the opposite of arbitrary. Therefore, the TULIP doctrines are false.
Now, that is definitely a very very simplified argument. A more rigorous argument that took each of the five doctrines one at a time and in some detail would be required to assert dogmatically that their falsehood has been fully established, but the point is that this simplified version communicates the gist of one of the most powerful arguments against the Calvinist system. In short, if God is just, Calvinism is false.
Another, equally powerful argument is the fact that all of Calvinism - the entire system - is based on a single premise. That premise being the immutability of God. If God can change, in any way whatsoever, Calvinism (and any other system based on Augustinian doctrine including, but not limited to, Arminianism and Catholicism) is falsified.
There several are other arguments as well that mostly try to tackle individual doctrines and that don't necessarily wipe out the whole Calvinist construct. These arguments are mostly used by those who want to try to pick and choose which doctrines they like and want to hang onto and which they wish to discard. The Arminians (Free Will Baptists, Church of the Nazarene, Church of Christ, et. al) fall very much into this category.
In short, if their doctrine is correct, which ever way anyone wants to come at it, God has predestined me to not only believe in free will but to be very well practiced and quite good at crushing Calvinists to powder by the power of sound reason and the plain reading of God's word. (Matthew 21:44)
It is impossible to argue against a shadow who never comes out with his own doctrine, but hates all whom he disagrees with.
It is time for you to show your colors.