I never said denying LS was a serious error. I said its simply bad theology.
No you also threw in the phase 'unbiblical' those statements along with the way you singled out this point to post on and the implication of inconsistency (possibly even hypocrisy) in your brethren as demonstrated by what they read compared to what they practice all leads me to deduce that you think it a serious error.
If you don't think it a serious error then sorry for my mistake, but how exactly would you class this error bearing in mind everything else that you have written on this subject on many internet forums over the years? I seem to remember at one time it was an issue serious enough to stop you becoming a member of your church (some irony in that
Oh and bye the way I am a member at a baptist church that accepts LS.
That's nice!
Now are you going to address the meat of my post which is where the challenge lays or would you prefer to ignore it?
Let me remind you of what i said in case you have forgotten or somehow missed it - I wrote:
"Furthermore what do you hope achieve? If you are so convinced of the position and the serious errors of your brothers and sisters in Christ where is your heartfelt reasoning and passionate pleas from scripture for biblical understanding, where is your 'letter to the Galatians'?"