Following are some comments on Revelation 13 that I used in a SS class years ago.
Scripture tells us that the beast represents or is an agent of that old dragon, Satan, but who is he, in what form is he manifested? Mankind and the social structures that mankind has developed have, by and large, always been opposed to their accountability before the sovereign God, Lord and creator of the universe. This first beast, therefore, represents those groups or organizations of the world’s political, social, or economic structure that are in opposition, either overtly or covertly, to God and His rule. That this is true is shown by the association of the beast with the four seen by the prophet Daniel and the identification of those four beasts with empires that persecuted the people of God. Both the Bible and secular world history shows that Satan has never lacked those willing to fall down before him.
The beast of Revelation 13 has been with us since dirt and will be with us until the Lord returns in Power and Great Glory Throughout history there have been many manifestations of the beast. Since the ascension of Jesus Christ some who may be considered a manifestation of the beast are: the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, Islam, Communism, secular humanism to name a few.
It is entirely possible that the EU mentioned in the article is one manifestation of the beast. Who knows what is to happen. One thing is certain. Jesus Christ said that His Church would undergo persecution and it has been, is, and will be until He returns. Christians in this country have been very fortunate but that is subject to change given the moral decline in the country and 50+ million unborn children slaughtered. I would note that there is increasing antagonism in this country toward the Churches and Christians.