Originally posted by BobRyan:
[QB] For the zillionth time - "enough fossils have been found for the horse to totally DEBUNK the fraudulent fossil ARRANGEMENT first foisted onto the public by atheist darwinists".
The "debunking" is NOT of the form "Well you had correct the fossil sequence but you did not have ENOUGH intermediate examples BETWEEN them".
Can you prove that? By the way, you show a total incomprenhension of what I have been saying over and over again.
I have not been saying "you did not have ENOUGH intermediate examples BETWEEN them".
It is not surprising that you don't listen, not anymore.
But for the sixth time, they are merely telling us in these quotes that they have become aware of ADDITIONAL SIDE LINES in the horse evolution series so that SOME OF THE FOSSILS thought to be in the straight sequence are ACTUALLY IN A SIDE LINE . . and others, instead, are in the correct sequence.
Having discovered this, they express anxiety over getting out the corrected information, thats all you've got.
Its hardly evidence against evolution at all!
If my interpretation is wrong, please don't just quote a sentence in opposition. Show me the sequences that are falsified now and show me how the current view is untenable now. That is, show the current view of the sequences and where the unbridgeable gap is.