Church is using this one
Charting the End Times and I like it as its a easy read with lots of discussion and Q&A. This is one area where Reformed seem to have missed the point whom often ignore prophecy not to reveal their Post/Amil, and or Preterist views. But this does not include Reformed whom are Reformed in Soteriology but Dispensational in eschatology like Mac.
Is this a book your church has also used? Or what ones? What makes it interesting are all the charts, tables, graphs and the like as well as his hard and Biblical defense. Hank Hanagraaf always picks on Lahaye, but its not like he is the worlds expert with only one book published on the subject while Lahaye has a dozen of them. Like David Jeremiah & John MacArthur, Lahaye knows what he is talking about.
Why do most churches ignore prophecy, especially when there are FIVE TIMES more prophecy scriptures for Christ's second coming than his first, and or references to the second coming appear in 23/27 NT books? Perhaps they ignore it because of ignorance. But I tell you the King is Coming soon and he would rather us spend our time preparing for this coming than debating all the secondary areas of theology such as MUSIC, Alcoholic Beverages, & Bible Translations.