New Bible translation has screenplay format [LINK]
Scene 1 (in darkened room before computer monitor).
Rob (with eye brows raised): Hey there’s a new translation that uses a screenplay format.
Cut to close up of monitor
Responder #1 (lights should brighten the face with a radiant glow - halo optional): What an inspired idea! I believe I might go and buy this novelty. (begins to type his thoughts)
Scene 2 (in darkened theater)
God (hovering over a deep darkness): Let there be light! (Cue bright white lights, stage right)
Narrator: And there was light.
[God looks around and shakes his head in approval and waves his hand in cutting motion]
[Stage direction - dim lights in right half of stage]
Narrator: And God separated the light from the darkness.
God (in booming voice): Day {gestures at lightened stage on left), Night (looks toward darkened stage on right).
Narrator: And there was evening and morning, day one.
Scene 3 (in a room with a photo of a cleanly robed Caucasian Jesus on the wall)
Responder #2 (disheveled appearance gritting with gnashing of teeth, typing in front of a computer monitor): [with anguished voice] Agggrrgh…. The website even says it’s the voice of the heathen!
[Close up of website: ]
[Pulling at his hair Responder #2 begins to type and the message appears one letter at a time on the monitor before him]
It’s obviously product of the devil! The evil translators only made it to serve Mammon.
[Lightning flashes across the window and thunder crackles as he types the message]
Scene 1 (in darkened room before computer monitor).
Rob (with eye brows raised): Hey there’s a new translation that uses a screenplay format.
Cut to close up of monitor
Responder #1 (lights should brighten the face with a radiant glow - halo optional): What an inspired idea! I believe I might go and buy this novelty. (begins to type his thoughts)
Scene 2 (in darkened theater)
God (hovering over a deep darkness): Let there be light! (Cue bright white lights, stage right)
Narrator: And there was light.
[God looks around and shakes his head in approval and waves his hand in cutting motion]
[Stage direction - dim lights in right half of stage]
Narrator: And God separated the light from the darkness.
God (in booming voice): Day {gestures at lightened stage on left), Night (looks toward darkened stage on right).
Narrator: And there was evening and morning, day one.
Scene 3 (in a room with a photo of a cleanly robed Caucasian Jesus on the wall)
Responder #2 (disheveled appearance gritting with gnashing of teeth, typing in front of a computer monitor): [with anguished voice] Agggrrgh…. The website even says it’s the voice of the heathen!
[Close up of website: ]
[Pulling at his hair Responder #2 begins to type and the message appears one letter at a time on the monitor before him]
It’s obviously product of the devil! The evil translators only made it to serve Mammon.
[Lightning flashes across the window and thunder crackles as he types the message]
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