In the Gospels is often used the phrase "woman of him" or "woman of (a man's name)" for wife. It is a way that the Hebrew language worded it and not Greek. Hebrew has no word for wife.Could you give some examples of these errors?
Mark 1:2, 3 are quotes from Isaiah and Malachi. Yet the text says it is from Isaiah the prophet. One must understand how the scrolls were referenced to understand the reference to the texts as found in Isaiah.
While I do not question the wording of the text I question what people say about scripture and how what they say is understood by the average person today. I believe there is a lot of nonsense out there today being said that scripture never claims.
My job as a student is to study and understand the text not tear it apart to make something out of it that it is not, and make statements which are not true. My belief is that we must know God and Him as the author of His Word not a bunch of man made statements that do nothing to explain the text of scripture nor help us know God better. reading man created statements would be like reading a systematic theology to help interpret scripture and reading it back into the text. That would be doing eisegesis and does nothing to explain the passage correctly
When we tell people that scripture has no errors and someone challenges that statement it sets up a situation where the person see two sides and one they have with no answers. I have seen some who have left the faith and others as though they were hanging on a limb about ready to break. If we teach them how to interpret and understand scripture in light of its historical and literary context we open a huge door of understanding for them. It also challenges them to do a better job of study because they have started on a journey of being a better student with more tools to use.
Scripture is not debatable and so we must avoid man made statements about inspiration which cause confusion for people. They must know what God breathed (inspired by God) means not some statement made by a man. God is the standard not men.