I recently reviewed the threads I started last year on the supernatural and the haunted house account that I gave in May and I realized that I could have given better answers to some of the questions that were asked. I'll attempt to do that now, at least for those who remained polite and maintained a civil conversation. Those that mocked the information and the account of the house that terrified the poor family I described will be avoided. Some of them had such a horrible attitude that I didn't want to continue to communicate with them.
But here goes:
1. One poster asked, "Why are you doing this?" In other words why post this information? Answer: Because the Lord wanted me to reach out to places where there might be others who have likewise had similar terrifying experiences and they needed to know that there were not crazy/insane and that they could get help like the poor family I described in some detail last spring. Such was the case with the family that once lived in the haunted house ten years ago.
(Note: not the actual house but very similar to it)
2. Another asked, "How do you know that the photo that had the many thousands of orbs were actually demons and not merely dust particles?
Answer: Because that wasn't the only picture the owner took of the sky just outside the house where he lived. Those orbs were not dust. They was not raindrops either. How do we know? Because some of the pictures he took were perfectly clear and free of orbs and others taken within seconds or minutes of each other had the orbs. The sky was clear and the weather was perfect and the owner told me that his camera lens had been cleaned and there was no dust upon it.
Question to the questioner: Are these dust particles or water drops? If so then some of them are going downward and some of them moving upward at high speed.
How about this object. A full glowing orb in the middle of a clear day. I can show you dozens of orbs that cannot possibly classify as either dust or water droplets.
3. Another inquired; "Why didn't you make all your photos available to everyone? Answer: Because every Christian website has its bad apples and I wanted to sort out the seriously curious from the bad attitudes. They waste so much time with their inane questions and insulting insinuations. The criticisms and remarks became so bad that the moderators shut down two of the three threads I started during that time. Since I never received even so much as a warning or reprimand then I figure the moderators saw how awful their behavior was and wanted to stop things from getting worse.
4. Another charged me saying, "You are obsessed with dark things" (not an exact quote).He was right about me being obsessed, but not with dark things. I am obsessed with helping people who are ensnared by the devil and his evil minions and I wish to reach out to anyone who wants to be delivered from that evil just like the Bible reveals so many times in the gospels and Acts.
5. One poster outright flat denied that the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game was evil and challenged me to prove that anyone had ever gone insane because of the direct influence of the game. I did. I provided the example of John (Butch) Witte, while during a game of D & D with is mother and his brother Eric who in 1984 under the guidance of their mother left the downstairs like a hypnotized person to obtain a crossbow the family owned and shot an arrow right through his grandmothers heart while she lay sleeping in the upstairs bedroom. Then, in order to hide their evil deed they cut their grandmother up in pieces and wrapped her body parts in white wrapping paper like so many pieces of meat and stored her in the freezer. Over the next few months they ate her. I was shocked into oblivion by this because both Butch and Eric used to ride my bus to church every Sunday during the mid 1970's and Eric was in my sixth grade Christian school class. I never dreamed they could ever be involved in something like that. But the whole family backslid and refused to come back to church. About seven years later and many terrible compromises with evil they did their dastardly deed and I think all of them are still in prison to this day.
The same poster challenged me to bring forth my file on D & D to prove that the terrible things I was saying about the game had some substance to it. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I eliminated that file about 15 yrs ago thinking that it was a dead issue and that few if any were playing the game any longer. But I had forgotten about the most important evidence against D & D and that was this:
What I had forgotten however, was perhaps the most important part of the evidence against D & D: the James Dallas Egbert III case in which a Mich. State student shot-gunned himself to death, having been the dungeonmaster of a group of D & D fans who saw Egbert's personality change over time as they got deeper and deeper into the game. The case was famous enough that Hollywood made a movie (Monsters and Mazes) starring Tom Hanks....'inspired' by the Egbert case. The Tom Hanks character became so insane that he actually thought he was in a different reality and could not communicate rationally with others. That's what happened to Egbert.
Through the years my fellow counselors and I have been in a literal spiritual mortal combat with many of the devils ('monsters') that are mentioned in the D & D game.The one that shocked me the most was the 1994 battle over a Valerie P. who was overtaken by a spirit that was half man and half spider called 'Drider'. Her deliverance was the most violent I have ever seen and she once set her husbands hair on fire while he was eating breakfast...for no apparent reason. I did not know that 'Drider' was part of D & D until I found him/it in one of the D & D Monster Manuals in 1998. The description was the exact thing we encountered four years earlier.
6. One of the more hostile critics asked me, "Have you ever been counseled for a mental disorder?" I thought he was joking and I treated it that way. But giving a better answer than I gave him then: "No, I never have and never needed to."
I am appalled at the lack of spiritual discernment as it concerns evil in this day and age. The average Christian is so ignorant of the spiritual warfare going on all around us and most don't even recognize evil things when it is right before their eyes.Examples: D & D, Magic the Gathering, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. are but a few that have very strong elements of Gnostic though and practice, or immorality, or the promotion of evolution (Star Trek especially) and anti-Christian/anti-biblical notions. But i find that most Christians don't even know what gnosticism is in the first place...and neither do their pastors.
Proverbs 29:18 ¶ Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
The poor family that came through the horrible poltergeist terror of 2005-2007 are here with me now and they are all doing very well.
One poster, after I exposed the movie 'Underworld' about vampires vs werewolves, yet told me, "Yeah, that was a real cool movie. I'd like to see it again.' Good grief. But really, Underworld is awful, ugly and demonic. There were no good guys in the movie. It certainly ranks as one of the top 100 most evil motion pictures ever made. Likewise as I said before we have encountered the devils from that movie name. They didn't hide the fact that they were displayed before the whole world in that awful movie. Having reviewed the thing prayerfully, it gave me a good idea as to the nature of the evil we were battling in that haunted house. But my critic/counterpart thought the movie was 'cool'.
For those opposed to this kind of expose' of wicked things, you need to understand that we are COMMANDED to have spiritual discernment to divide good from evil and to help those that are ensnared by Satan. Ephesians 5:11. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I may post a few video clips tomorrow but I will only have about a half hour a day to answer questions. I will, however, do so only for those that are honestly curious and not time-wasting critics.
But here goes:
1. One poster asked, "Why are you doing this?" In other words why post this information? Answer: Because the Lord wanted me to reach out to places where there might be others who have likewise had similar terrifying experiences and they needed to know that there were not crazy/insane and that they could get help like the poor family I described in some detail last spring. Such was the case with the family that once lived in the haunted house ten years ago.
(Note: not the actual house but very similar to it)
2. Another asked, "How do you know that the photo that had the many thousands of orbs were actually demons and not merely dust particles?
Answer: Because that wasn't the only picture the owner took of the sky just outside the house where he lived. Those orbs were not dust. They was not raindrops either. How do we know? Because some of the pictures he took were perfectly clear and free of orbs and others taken within seconds or minutes of each other had the orbs. The sky was clear and the weather was perfect and the owner told me that his camera lens had been cleaned and there was no dust upon it.
Question to the questioner: Are these dust particles or water drops? If so then some of them are going downward and some of them moving upward at high speed.
How about this object. A full glowing orb in the middle of a clear day. I can show you dozens of orbs that cannot possibly classify as either dust or water droplets.
3. Another inquired; "Why didn't you make all your photos available to everyone? Answer: Because every Christian website has its bad apples and I wanted to sort out the seriously curious from the bad attitudes. They waste so much time with their inane questions and insulting insinuations. The criticisms and remarks became so bad that the moderators shut down two of the three threads I started during that time. Since I never received even so much as a warning or reprimand then I figure the moderators saw how awful their behavior was and wanted to stop things from getting worse.
4. Another charged me saying, "You are obsessed with dark things" (not an exact quote).He was right about me being obsessed, but not with dark things. I am obsessed with helping people who are ensnared by the devil and his evil minions and I wish to reach out to anyone who wants to be delivered from that evil just like the Bible reveals so many times in the gospels and Acts.
5. One poster outright flat denied that the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game was evil and challenged me to prove that anyone had ever gone insane because of the direct influence of the game. I did. I provided the example of John (Butch) Witte, while during a game of D & D with is mother and his brother Eric who in 1984 under the guidance of their mother left the downstairs like a hypnotized person to obtain a crossbow the family owned and shot an arrow right through his grandmothers heart while she lay sleeping in the upstairs bedroom. Then, in order to hide their evil deed they cut their grandmother up in pieces and wrapped her body parts in white wrapping paper like so many pieces of meat and stored her in the freezer. Over the next few months they ate her. I was shocked into oblivion by this because both Butch and Eric used to ride my bus to church every Sunday during the mid 1970's and Eric was in my sixth grade Christian school class. I never dreamed they could ever be involved in something like that. But the whole family backslid and refused to come back to church. About seven years later and many terrible compromises with evil they did their dastardly deed and I think all of them are still in prison to this day.
The same poster challenged me to bring forth my file on D & D to prove that the terrible things I was saying about the game had some substance to it. Unfortunately I had forgotten that I eliminated that file about 15 yrs ago thinking that it was a dead issue and that few if any were playing the game any longer. But I had forgotten about the most important evidence against D & D and that was this:
What I had forgotten however, was perhaps the most important part of the evidence against D & D: the James Dallas Egbert III case in which a Mich. State student shot-gunned himself to death, having been the dungeonmaster of a group of D & D fans who saw Egbert's personality change over time as they got deeper and deeper into the game. The case was famous enough that Hollywood made a movie (Monsters and Mazes) starring Tom Hanks....'inspired' by the Egbert case. The Tom Hanks character became so insane that he actually thought he was in a different reality and could not communicate rationally with others. That's what happened to Egbert.
Through the years my fellow counselors and I have been in a literal spiritual mortal combat with many of the devils ('monsters') that are mentioned in the D & D game.The one that shocked me the most was the 1994 battle over a Valerie P. who was overtaken by a spirit that was half man and half spider called 'Drider'. Her deliverance was the most violent I have ever seen and she once set her husbands hair on fire while he was eating breakfast...for no apparent reason. I did not know that 'Drider' was part of D & D until I found him/it in one of the D & D Monster Manuals in 1998. The description was the exact thing we encountered four years earlier.
6. One of the more hostile critics asked me, "Have you ever been counseled for a mental disorder?" I thought he was joking and I treated it that way. But giving a better answer than I gave him then: "No, I never have and never needed to."
I am appalled at the lack of spiritual discernment as it concerns evil in this day and age. The average Christian is so ignorant of the spiritual warfare going on all around us and most don't even recognize evil things when it is right before their eyes.Examples: D & D, Magic the Gathering, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. are but a few that have very strong elements of Gnostic though and practice, or immorality, or the promotion of evolution (Star Trek especially) and anti-Christian/anti-biblical notions. But i find that most Christians don't even know what gnosticism is in the first place...and neither do their pastors.
Proverbs 29:18 ¶ Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
The poor family that came through the horrible poltergeist terror of 2005-2007 are here with me now and they are all doing very well.
One poster, after I exposed the movie 'Underworld' about vampires vs werewolves, yet told me, "Yeah, that was a real cool movie. I'd like to see it again.' Good grief. But really, Underworld is awful, ugly and demonic. There were no good guys in the movie. It certainly ranks as one of the top 100 most evil motion pictures ever made. Likewise as I said before we have encountered the devils from that movie name. They didn't hide the fact that they were displayed before the whole world in that awful movie. Having reviewed the thing prayerfully, it gave me a good idea as to the nature of the evil we were battling in that haunted house. But my critic/counterpart thought the movie was 'cool'.
For those opposed to this kind of expose' of wicked things, you need to understand that we are COMMANDED to have spiritual discernment to divide good from evil and to help those that are ensnared by Satan. Ephesians 5:11. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
I may post a few video clips tomorrow but I will only have about a half hour a day to answer questions. I will, however, do so only for those that are honestly curious and not time-wasting critics.
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