But above the moral concerns lies a gospel concern. Those who are taught that morality can be redefined by an organization are being turned away from recognizing their sinfulness before a holy God. Jesus made it very plain that sexuality is not defined by the norms of a culture, but that the only norm for human sexuality is one man joined to one woman in marriage (Matthew 19:3–6, Mark 10:6). To redefine homosexuality as “morally straight” is to say that fornication, idolatry, adultery, theft and drunkenness are also “morally straight” (1 Corinthians 6:9–11; Romans 1:28–32). This undermines the definition of sin and removes the need for a Savior to wash the stains of sin from our hearts and justify us before God. By redefining sin, the BSA has told Jesus that He is not needed. Thus, the BSA’s endorsement of a homosexual lifestyle as normal has a broad-reaching effect that goes far beyond the “gay” agenda to touch the way every Boy Scout will view, not just sexual issues, but his own need for salvation.