That's a pile of crap. Trump is a politician, not my pastor. Folks like you just handed the nation over to the Godless. Tell me exactly what Trump said that falls outside legally protected speech. The fire in the theater garbage is not even close to applicable. His words that were illegal, in quotes, in context.Don't yell "fire" in a crowded theater...
Reynolds, your church would need to discipline Donald Trump if he were a member. He would be called to account for his bully behavior, his lying and his godless actions. He would need to repent (which he would never do).
Dictators don't break the law...they make the law so they do whatever they will. There is no way that Christians could support Pontus Pilate and there should be no way that Christians support Donald Trump. Yet, here we are with Christians bowing at the feet of Donald Trump. The world rightfully sees the hypocrisy as some Christians turn from Jesus and place their hope in Trump. It's sad.