...and already the libs are trying to blame the WV mining tragedy on President Bush.
As is my usual custom, I turned on SiriusRight this morning to hear Laura Ingraham. When she wasn't on, just for kicks, I went up one to SiriusLeft and listened to Alex Bennett for a few minutes.
After making fun of President Reagan for contracting Alzheimers (who knew liberals had so much class as to make fun of such things?), he and a caller to his show then launched in to how this was "all President Bush's fault for nominating so and so".
What in the world is wrong with these people?
And they call us "mean spirited"? You've got to be kidding me. Is there any tragedy they won't exploit?
As is my usual custom, I turned on SiriusRight this morning to hear Laura Ingraham. When she wasn't on, just for kicks, I went up one to SiriusLeft and listened to Alex Bennett for a few minutes.
After making fun of President Reagan for contracting Alzheimers (who knew liberals had so much class as to make fun of such things?), he and a caller to his show then launched in to how this was "all President Bush's fault for nominating so and so".
What in the world is wrong with these people?
And they call us "mean spirited"? You've got to be kidding me. Is there any tragedy they won't exploit?