"The time is always near."You mean like when a verse says the time is near?
The time of my death was near when I was born. In fact it was just "as near" then as it is now. The time of my death is always near.
This is the first day of the rest of my life.
Every day I am one step closer to death. The time is near.
Concerning the coming of Christ when John wrote in ca. 98 A.D. the time was near. It was near then, and it is still near.
It is not for any person to say that it is not near. It is. And if he decides not to come in this lifetime it will still be near. What is 2,000 years in the light of eternity? Not very much I would think.
[FONT="]Isaiah 40:15 Behold, the nations are like a drop in a bucket, And are regarded as a speck of dust on a balance. Behold, he lifts up the islands like a very little thing.[/FONT] (WEB)
--In the light of eternity, what are we? In the light of eternity, time becomes insignificant. In the light of eternity Christ could come at any second; the rapture could occur and the Great Tribulation could start. Those events are arrived at by the most literal and natural reading of the Bible.
It would do well to remember that though Revelation is an apocalyptic book with a certain amount of symbols, it is to some extent a history book as well--a history of the future. It is a book of comfort. The believer can know the end. The end is near. Christ is coming soon. We have that hope; others do not.