webdog said:
What prophecy is being filled here exactly?
Well, brother webdog,
I'm not exactly certain, but the Sanhedrin (a recent development which may or may not be considered 'legitimate' but is a reinstatement of Jewish courts) is essentially giving President Bush recognition of being a 'prince' according to that found in Ezekial 38.
If you visit the link in the OP you will find it rather complete with scripture supports, supporting their position that the land belongs to Israel, unbroken, given and divinely protected by God: and that an emissary for peace in that region, such as the POTUS, is in a position of blessings or cursings.... under the judgement of God, based upon the position which he takes regarding the recognition and support of Israel undivided, or the compromise and division 'in the name of peace' which he encourages.
There may be some significance beyond the ceremonial display of presenting the POTUS with a Scroll. A scroll, whether written today with a current meaning, or written in the past, usually bears more recognition of value than a book or a plaque or a letter or a trophy. If done in a traditional way, the material is possibly lambskin... or something considered of fine quality, crafted meticulously, and rechecked over and over for errors before the traditional seal. Once it is sealed, traditionally it is passed to the one who is to receive it, who is the person to break the seal.
I heard bits and pieces on the (internet) radio sometime last month, but my ears always caught only portions of the story....not enough to determine if the POTUS received it and opened it. I visited the link once in the OP and once again I failed to pick up as to whether it was delivered in person or sent....thus ? the President's reception.
For a interesting commentary on Ezekial 38, you might visit this link... scroll down and click on Ezekial 38 and your 'real player' will play a study by Chuck Missler, about an hour or so long.
But what I find interesting, in sort of a strange way.... is that we've been led to believe that Russia is our enemy and so is communism: We've been led to believe that when the Berlin Wall came down, so did Russia: We've been led to believe Russia participated in disarmament, a sharing of documents with the US after her economic fall, and was changing from a police state to a country with increasing freedoms....making it more comparable with those of the US.
HOWEVER, what I've read and heard supports not only the possiblity but the probability that Russia belongs on top of "enemies by design" with the designer being the covert operations of secret intelligence organizations, installed and funded by our own government, and very useful as a distraction or a symbols of threat which is used to coerc our own attitudes and politics along the lines of agreement with the direction of our leaders... without pausing to question 'what for'.
In WW II, it is believed by some students of warfare that our assault on Germany was deliberately delayed and our men were killed on foreign soil to allow the Russian troops to enter from the east. Documentaries of our delayed movement to the east cast the reason for delay as being due to problems with supplies and manforce.... however, the skeptics which have delved deeper, have uncovered that these were set up 'appearances and excuses' but lies appearing and accepted as truth.
The division of Germany was by design. High officials in both the US government and British government maintained their public facade of anti-communism and anti-Russia, but secretly and quietly collaborated to give Eastern Europe to Russia, which was accomplished at the close of the war. Russian Jews, also under persecution, attempted to migrate to Israel or the US, but were turned back by British officials in Israel, and refused admission by the US.
In the 50's off the shores of Florida, in a little country called Cuba, there was a 'free' government, but there was corruption and economic woes..... a known 'socialist' by the name of Castro, gained recognition and favor with those in our government and the entertainment world, and was promoted as a revoluntionary and an answer to Cuba's problems. It is believed by some that he was supported secretly by our intelligence organizations and the state department....thinking that he'd be a puppet for our interest.
From the view point of the American people he was bad news, especially when he alledgedly brought in nukes, shipped from Russia, which led to some effective observance of fright among our people and grandstanding opportunities and advancement for people in positions of intelligence, our state department, and our DOD. Just prior to this crisis, was the Bay of Pigs fiasco, where our own intelligence officials collaborated with some patriotic Cuban nationals who wanted to depose Castro: It was deliberately designed (by the CIA) to fail, beginning with the change of entrance, to the distribution of armaments and ammunition which didn't match, and the last minute withdrawal of unmarked air support which was promised. JFK espressed concern over secret societies and secret agencies, also expressed some concern over the federal reserve bank: his own brother was his trusted attorney general and was going after mob connections and drug trafficting. Both were assasinated and the government sponsored investigations haven't resolved the suspicions, questions, and uncovered eye witness accounts which raise both deaths to conspiracy status.
I'll skip VietNam, other than to say....it was set up; designed to test our tollerance for war... make money for the war industry and financiers....played upon our fear 'of communism', served as an effective diversion from changes already taking place here which included socialism and darwinism creeping into our public schools and gaining a stronger hold in academia....our colleges and universities in the name of progressive education.
We had some real problems at home which did include an unfair disparity of treatment and rights between the races of our countrymen. Perhaps the socialist movement did bring some support and power to the movement which took place, and may have promoted the leaders of the civilrights movement to their places of recognition.....however, correcting reform was needed.
While some promoted unrest and violence, MLK urged non-violent 'civil disobediance' staging marches, sit ins, and other 'inconvienances' in public areas; but it was when he saw the VietNam War for what it was....serving special interests and financial gain and power, offering opportunities for political appointments and advancments not offered in peace times...and started speaking out against it: He was assassinated: Sufficient questions remained along with statments and witness reports surrounding the circumstances to successfully win a suit by the King family against the government as 70% responsible in contributing to his assassination.
A Russian.... famous defector, I can't remember his name.... but in or about the 60's spelled out his concerns for America and disclosed a plan that the government of Russia would stage a colllapse, which would put the world off guard, with the idea of consolidating their strength, exposing their enemies, then presenting a renewed position of strength and control. It was ridiculed and buried in the news of its day. Is this what happened in the 80's and is the 'return of power' a planned event as that defected insider stated? If so, why wasn't it published more...or why didn't our leaders know and tell us...or did the 'collapse' serve another purpose of resurring us of our strength, encouraging our optimism of prosperity, and promote the favorable positions of our leaders and those surrounding them in influence: while at the same time, playing in to a diabolical plan, already understood by those in our DOD, intelligence and state department?
What about the Iran-Contra Affair of the early 80's? Guns for drugs, drugs for money, money for an 'off the books' operation to supply guns to a revoluntionary group in South America? (With the drugs being sold on our streets... where was the morality!) Secret agencies and intelligence naturally exist to discover and reveal some secrets.... but they use secret ways to obtain their information: Criminals and morally weak individuals are easily coerced to serve their purpose and may obtain 'immunity' or protection for carrying out activities which, if overt would not be allowed, or if exposed would create scandal. Scandals are dealt with by denial, lying, 'classified', shifting the blame or elimination. Very much similar to functions of the SS or secret police in closed societies like Russia.