There most definantly is a call to preach. It is a burden that the Lord places on the heart of the individual. I was called to preach. I felt a greater burden that I ever had in my life to study the scriptures and speak about that which I had studied. I have a burden to speak to God's people about the wonderful things He has done, is doing, and shall do for them. The call doesn't qualify one to hold the office of elder, but it is necessary for that to take place. In addition to being called, one must meet the qualifications of the office.
This call wasn't anything I asked for or previously desired. But, now that the Lord has placed it on my heart, I greatly desire to do this work until either I die or the Lord returns from heaven. I have never yet required money to preach the word of God, but rather go trusting the Lord shall take care of my needs. The people of God have been gracious in giving, to which I pray they will be blessed by the Lord.