The success of our labor is becoming more evident every day. For the third time in a row, a Gallup poll shows more Americans are calling themselves pro-life than pro-choice. Gallup titled their analysis, “The New Normal on Abortion.” And they’re right.
It’s no longer normal to think an unborn baby is disposable. Even the liberal Slate Magazine had to acknowledge that young people have wised up to the facts.
“My generation has seen ultrasound photos of ourselves and our siblings,” one young pro-lifer told the reporter, “so it’s sort of hard to put the ‘fetuses are just a clump of tissues’ line past us.”
As the saying goes, the camera doesn’t lie. When young women considering an abortion see an ultrasound of their baby, about 80 percent choose to continue the pregnancy. Pro-abortion arguments crumble when they see a beating heart and tiny, growing body.