What do I think? I think the bible is clear. Christ built His church, just as He said He would. After His resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit to be the "guide into all truth" which He had formerly done.
Why is the "Pentecost Birthday" theory wrong and dangerous:
It denies the Lord did what He said He would do. Matt 16;18. According to the Pentecostal birthday theory the Holy Spirit is building the church and the HS began doing that after Christ's ascension.
It deprives the church of the 4 gospels. (Someone on this board even said recently that the gospels should be read as being OT!) But Mark 1:1-4 says NT gospel preaching began with John the Baptist!
The Pentecostal theory humanizes the church as an institution. If the church began at Pentecost, it began with the Apostles and not with Christ and thus it is a man-made institution!
But, PRAISE THE LORD, the Pentecostal birthday theory is unscriptural and thus untrue.
As already noted, the gospel era began before pentecost. Mark 1:1-4.
The Apostles and many others were truly saved NT Christians. Acts 1:22 tells us that they were saved and Baptized under the preaching of John the Baptist! Now, if John was an OT prophet, then the NT Apostles were never saved and never received NT baptism!
The Pre-Pentecostal church was organized.
1. It had a Head. Matthew 23:8
2. It had a Pastor. John 10:11, 14
3. It had church discipline. Matt 18:15-20
4. It conducted business meetings Acts 1:15-26
5. It even had a treasurer! John 13:29
6. It was a missionary church.
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Commissioned: Matt 28:18-20<LI>It did missionary work. Matt 10:1-11:1<LI>It had the keys to the Kindom. Matt 16;19<LI>It baptized those who believed. John 4:1,2<LI>It had a membership roll. Acts 1:13-15[/list]
7. It observed the Lord's Supper. Matt 26:26-28
8. It had singing. cf Matt 26:30 with Hebrews 2:12
9. It met for prayer. Luke 11:1-9; Acts 1:14
10. It was "added unto" Acts 2:41
11. It was called a "flock." cf Matt 26:31 and Luke 12:32 with Acts 20:28, 29 and 1 Peter 5:2,3
Yes, the bible makes it clear, the NT church was alive and healthy prior to the day of Pentecost! In fact, the church received no new commands, no new marching orders, no new commission, no new nothing. All that happened was that the Second Person of the Godhead's Personal presence was replaced by the Third Person of the Godhead's Personal presence. The Power that Christ manifested was now manifested by the Holy Spirit.