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Covenanter said:
True, but you are describing the organisation of an independent baptist church.
Your question indicates non-understanding. I spelled independent baptist church with lower case letters.
We are in agreement here.
Mal. 3:16-18
Note that “ they that feared the Lord spake often one to another” which obviously implies meeting together. In the context it indicates unofficial meeting of the faithful, not formal religious gatherings. Malachi has been rebuking the corrupt worship.
Covenanter wrote:
" I am concerned with the local ekklesia - gatherings of believers in families for fellowship, worship, Scripture reading, prayer & singing. Things that NT assemblies share with OT assemblies."
I'm not clear why you are arguing. My general point is just as Christians meet for worship, prayer & teaching, so true (heart circumcised) believers did throughout the OT. Ideally led by local Levites & priests according to Mal. 2:5-9
The synagogues encountered in Acts show this. These were established by exiles & the dispersion.
Acts 7:37-39
Stephen is reminding the Sanhedrin both of prophecy & history. In verse 37, Stephen reminds of the prophecy of the “prophet” the Messiah, the LORD Jesus Christ. God was with them, the “ekklesia” in the wilderness and spoke directly to them, giving them the Law. (Exo. 20)
The force of Stephen's argument is that having the Law, hearing the direct words of God, did not renew the hearts of the “church in the wilderness” as was evident by their demand for Aaron to make them gods. (Exo. 32)
The ekklesia in the wildreness was not a gathering of believers, but a mixed multitude, dominated by unbelievers. The argument made by others that the people of Israel were a type of NT church, indicated by the use of the word “church” is refuted by the fact that those comprising that church rejected the Law & turned to idolatory.
Covenanter wrote:
And note the frequently repeated Covenant relationship throughout Scripture -
That oft repeated expression of relationship should not be regarded as a general representation of “all Israel.” It is always spoken in terms of a special relationship, usually in the future tense. That serves as a reminder of the conditional covenant promise of Exo. 19.
5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: 6 and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
We live in a decadent age, when the Christian Gospel has been widely corrupted. Many countries are regarded as “Christian” but RCC & modernist denominations, & some preaching “health & wealth” magnifying numbers & personalities & others focusing on the “rapture” & OT prophecy resulting from Jews being established in the “promised land, ” have meant that only small fellowships & independent baptist churches (not a denomination) are generally faithful. Also the pagan religions are widely recognised by false Christians as valid ways to God, & sexual corruption abounds.
We are in a Mal. 3 situation. That is one reason why I contribute to the forum. We need fellowship & encouragement. That situation was evident through the OT & through the last 2,000 years.
That is why I drive 10 miles to a Gospel church, & also seek fellowship with local Christians.
Covenanter said:
True, but you are describing the organisation of an independent baptist church.
No, I'm not. Look again. I described all Baptistic churches. Do you not believe that the Baptistic model is the Biblical model? Furthermore, can you name me one single thing in my list that is not straight from the Bible, that somehow is an independent Baptist thing but not Biblical?
Your question indicates non-understanding. I spelled independent baptist church with lower case letters.
We are in agreement here.
Mal. 3:16-18
You've lost me. How do you see some kind of assembly in this passage?
Note that “ they that feared the Lord spake often one to another” which obviously implies meeting together. In the context it indicates unofficial meeting of the faithful, not formal religious gatherings. Malachi has been rebuking the corrupt worship.
Covenanter wrote:
" I am concerned with the local ekklesia - gatherings of believers in families for fellowship, worship, Scripture reading, prayer & singing. Things that NT assemblies share with OT assemblies."
Where do you find all of these at one time in any OT assembly? And if you find it, I challenge you to show that the term ekklesia applies, in particular in the LXX.
The word "assembly" is a very general word. It simply means a gathering of humans. However, the word ekklesia is more particular.
I'm not clear why you are arguing. My general point is just as Christians meet for worship, prayer & teaching, so true (heart circumcised) believers did throughout the OT. Ideally led by local Levites & priests according to Mal. 2:5-9
The synagogues encountered in Acts show this. These were established by exiles & the dispersion.
Acts 7:37-39
Sorry, I don't get it. First you say that v. 38 doesn't apply to the church, but then are you saying that v. 37 does apply? How does that work?
Stephen is reminding the Sanhedrin both of prophecy & history. In verse 37, Stephen reminds of the prophecy of the “prophet” the Messiah, the LORD Jesus Christ. God was with them, the “ekklesia” in the wilderness and spoke directly to them, giving them the Law. (Exo. 20)
The force of Stephen's argument is that having the Law, hearing the direct words of God, did not renew the hearts of the “church in the wilderness” as was evident by their demand for Aaron to make them gods. (Exo. 32)
The ekklesia in the wildreness was not a gathering of believers, but a mixed multitude, dominated by unbelievers. The argument made by others that the people of Israel were a type of NT church, indicated by the use of the word “church” is refuted by the fact that those comprising that church rejected the Law & turned to idolatory.
Covenanter wrote:
And note the frequently repeated Covenant relationship throughout Scripture -
Lev. 26:12 And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.
Application? I could say that this represents all of Israel even without some kind of assembly. So how is this passage somehow referring to a local assembly?
That oft repeated expression of relationship should not be regarded as a general representation of “all Israel.” It is always spoken in terms of a special relationship, usually in the future tense. That serves as a reminder of the conditional covenant promise of Exo. 19.
5 Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: 6 and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
We live in a decadent age, when the Christian Gospel has been widely corrupted. Many countries are regarded as “Christian” but RCC & modernist denominations, & some preaching “health & wealth” magnifying numbers & personalities & others focusing on the “rapture” & OT prophecy resulting from Jews being established in the “promised land, ” have meant that only small fellowships & independent baptist churches (not a denomination) are generally faithful. Also the pagan religions are widely recognised by false Christians as valid ways to God, & sexual corruption abounds.
We are in a Mal. 3 situation. That is one reason why I contribute to the forum. We need fellowship & encouragement. That situation was evident through the OT & through the last 2,000 years.
That is why I drive 10 miles to a Gospel church, & also seek fellowship with local Christians.