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"The Coffee Shop" #3

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Sherrie, Apr 28, 2003.

  1. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Rsr: "You know, some folks can't even
    get Miami (Mi'-a-muh) right, much less Konawa ... "

    Most Indian (Native American) languages lean
    heavily on the CONSTANT-vowel syllable.
    So it is Mi-a-mi and Ko-na-wa.
  2. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Maybe she could take care of blackbirds guns for him.

    Sherrie [​IMG]
  3. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Rats, Ed. I didn't even get it right, now that I look at it. [​IMG]

    It's Mi-a'-muh.

    The truth is that the way the Native Americans pronounce it doesn't really matter to most Oklahomans.

    At least there's no disagreement over Slapout and Bugtussle.
  4. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Don't worry about not being able to have your guns on the premises. I will bring my wife's chapstick, some chewing gum and rubberband. At that point we can go to the "McGyvers Survival Handbook" and make anything we want to.
  5. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Ya'll clear a table for Blackbirdy--he's got some thinkin' to do!! And I need a whole lot of space to do it in!!--

    Some of the rules are a little far fetched--like no tackle display close to the food--gotta ask myself why?????? Then the rule of no live bait!! Now, who thought up of that rule!?? Somebody that has clean fingernails that they like to file and paint?? Scarred that a little catfish bait will get on those Ivory hands??

    The guns?? OK! I can handle the guns not being in the shop!! But just give a nod or a wink and me and you can go right outside and look in the camper shell of Blackbird's pickup truck and see what we can see!!

    No more than 25% of the take?? Suppose Sherrie's coffee goes stale--suppose she don't make but a hundred bucks the whole week--sellin' coffee at a dime a throw--shoot! You know what that'll do to poor little ole Blackbird?? His wife and kids are at home starvin'--can't put shoes on their feet or even buy their annual school yearbook--because I'm being limited to 25% of the take!!

    That means I'll always be over on Sherrie's side of the shop--pushin' coffee down folks' laps--tellin' um, "You've had enough of that stuff--now come on over here and let me show you the latest rod and reel I got from my supplier! What?? You want to look in the back of Blackbird's pickup truck?? Well, ok!!" Sherrie, can you watch my cash register while I help this gentleman out outside??? Thanks, I knew you'd see it Blackbird's way!!

    Your Southern Baptist preachin', cash registerin' buddy,

  6. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    And one other thing I seemed to overlook--I'm surprised you guys didn't catch it when I did---I'm gonna need a few extra securty guards to watch Blackbird's stuff--I figured two uniformed and one plain clothesman ought to do it!! 'Fraid to say, Sister, this is gonna eat right into your profits--except, that is, if you are willin' to go in 50/50
  7. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Profits? The Coffee Shop is a 501(c) corporation, Blackbird.

    As far as security, I am willing to ship several prairie dogs to the site to take up watch. Believe me, no one can see trouble coming like prairie dogs. Should any serpent be spotted, the entire premises would be on full alert. After all, their bark is worse than their bite.

    From a non-gun-owner who still wishes his father-in-law had willed him his BAR, just for the incredible historical value of the piece ...

    From your BB-totin', BAR envying buddy.
  8. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Blackbird: " ... one plain clothesman ... "

    I'm your man [​IMG]
    I wear plainer clothes than most anybody.

    I don't need to carry a gun [​IMG]
    My hands are highly trained insturments of
    mahem and destructions. I know judo, karati,
    kung-fu, and bengali [​IMG] My hands are so
    dangerous that i have to be careful everytime
    i pick my nose lest i rip my face off. [​IMG]

    I better go to bed, eh? [​IMG]
  9. rsr

    rsr <b> 7,000 posts club</b>

    Dec 11, 2001
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    Well, Ed, I'm sure you're more plain than I.

    For pants, I have three colors: dark gray, light gray and navy.

    For shirts, white (mostly), blue (one) and (one) gray.

    All my socks are navy. (Makes it easier to find a pair. Why make life complicated over such things?)

    Oh, and three ties. Blue, blue and crimson (YES!) with (you guessed it) gray.

    We will not count the Pooh tie, a gift from my daughter, which I wear perhaps once a year when I'm feeling happy.
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    rsr: You only feel happy once a year??? You need to start spending more time around here. I want to see that Pooh tie! I know I am a Yankee, but I DID live in Florida for three years and everyone said 'Mi-am'-mee'!! Now, when I go to Wisconsin, I don't even THINK about pronouncing the names right!

    Sherrie: We got the storm before YOU did THIS time! We had it early Thursday morning, around 3 AM..not as severe as you did though. We had a lot of heavy rain, lightning and loud thunder. We missed most of the wind. It IS supposed to rain for the next 4-5 days though!

    I know April showers bring May flowers; but it IS May and it's still raining almost every day! :confused:

    Ed: I sure hope that hat gets here soon. I need to waterproof it so I can wear it in the rain. My hair got wet this week and the curls are so tight they bounced back and bruised my head!

    blackbird: How come coffee is only 10 cents a cup and I have to pay 75 cents for my DDP? Are you tryin' to pull a scam? [​IMG]

    Cyal...can't work outside, but I have plenty of work to do inside!

  11. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    No scam involved!!!! I thiiiiinnnnk that Sherrie(of course, we can't really read her mind) is tryin' to do things along the Wally-World way---sell in content and bulk---a "coffee war", if you would with Shoney's, Huddle House, Waffle House, IHOP, and Cracker Barrell being forced to sell their coffee at reduced prices! It'll soon be that Sister will have the coffee corner all to herself!! Which is good news for all of us stockholders!!!

    Did I mention "war"--with bazooka's, panzerfaust's, granades, and Browning Automatic Rifle's(rsr's BAR)---yaks, there I go again! I know that some folks will say, "Golly! Blackbird has a problem!"

    Your Southern Baptist preachin', BAR'n buddy,

  12. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Hello! And Good Morning!

    We served yet another severe storm! This one now headed to Kentucky/Tennessee. And A very severe one will be here shortly. I have really had enough. I think I fixed the table pretty good. And the swing survived another storm so I did good on it too.

    Now this matter of "The Coffee Shop" Verses the "Blackbird Bass Pro Boutique", I am not soul owner of "The Coffee Shop". We will have to have a board meeting. And quite honestly blackbird, it wont look good asking 50/50, or the suggestion of guards. It would not be good for business to have all these quards. And most bring their own drink.

    I am going to suggest to the board that we drop the Bass shop idea, as it will not be prosperous to us to have it. And selling things out of your truck in front of "The Coffee Shop", would be a City Violation. I will have to ask our attorney, and have him get back with you.

    Did you notice the building next to us is empty. Rent is cheap. I think the "Sports" thread owns it...but it would be right up your alley. They may allow your guns to be in the building too.

    Your coffee drinking, stockholder, sharehold'n buddy....Sherrie [​IMG]

    PS Edifier and rsr...you all are funny!
  13. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Pleeeeease! No attorney! I am willin' to knock the whole plan off--nip it in the bud--get on back to the business at hand!

    You guys ought to see my corn patch!! Lookin' good! And those tomatoes--lookin' good--need a rain!

  14. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    You ALL are so funny [​IMG] :rolleyes: [​IMG]

    What a joy it is to come here and visit and have fun and fellowship.

    Sherrie, they keep telling us here in Okla. that the Bass Pro Shop will bring in lots of money...so I think the next door idea is a good one, but how many hours will Ed have to be away from home to handle his duties, Blackbird?

    He spends enough time in Cyberspace, now. And then he got me hooked on Message Boards. I think he did that so I would not bother him. [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Sue, my cokes are only 50ยข. [​IMG]

    I think that is because Sherrie wants me to sweep the floors so I'm looking for one of those long haired dogs that my grandchildren call sweeper dogs to help me. Muffin refuses to let his coat grow that long.

    Muffin said he would wash the dishes, though. :rolleyes:

    Got to get busy, not sure doing what, but I will do it well.

    God Bless You All
  15. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I think I went scandalous in the "General Baptist Discussions" (snicker). I posted the definitions for Cult. Made me a thread! I did! Its all Ed's fault...he made that Public School one....hahahahahaha! Whew! Who knew that could be some very heavy words! hehehehehee!

    Ok I was just having a little fun...I will behave.

    Sherrie [​IMG]
  16. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Well, Sherrie, I posted to the other cult thread that was started. Will you protect me?

    Maybe, I better sweep the floors in the coffee shop.

    Ed and I are a little tired of people bashing public schools and public school teachers.

    I think I will have another coke, before I get started sweeping.
  17. Wisdom Seeker

    Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I think I'm getting the flu. I feel very achey and sleepy today. But, I wanted to post for a few minutes, since I didn't post yesterday, and tomorrow is the weekend. Didn't want anyone to think I turned tail and ran. I think I weathered this little storm pretty well. And when it came down to it, I'm still here. It seems that that problem I mentioned having in the other forum earlier this week has decided to leave the B.B. completely. Off to more fertile battle fields I imagine.

    Anyway, thank you for your prayers and your words of encouragement. Aside from losing some sleep, shedding a few tears and getting a little closer to the Lord because I spent more time on my knees, I think I am okay.

    Other than being sick with the flu that is...conflict makes me sick....literally. ;)

    And Sherrie, I'm praying for you... I can't imagine what it must be like to live in an area with those kinds of storms. It's supposed to rain here. The Dopplar radar last night showed what looked like a hurricane off the west coast.

    Here that Abiyah?...we're going to be inundated with rain again. :rolleyes:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Laurenda
  18. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I'm not going to sit very close to you, WS, cause I don't want that flu. But there are a few of us fighting to be the President of your Support Group. Ed declared himself President and Wonderingone joined.

    Hope the "problem" is gone.

    Tomorrow is the 4th anniversary of the worst storm in our history. We still call it the May 3 Tornado. It was really bad. Hopefully, we want have a repear performance.

    Hope you get to feel better WS and glad you stopped by.

  19. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    Wisdom Seeker,

    I hope you feel better soon. Flu is a rotten thing to have and can make you feel really low. Take care and I hope you get plenty of rest.


    Sheila [​IMG]
  20. jonmagee

    jonmagee New Member

    Oct 12, 2002
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    mmmmmmmm.......... maybe I'd better check it out

    yours, Jon.