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"The Coffee Shop" #5

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Sherrie, May 12, 2003.

  1. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Well guess I am here by myself. Guess I will call it a day, I have had a rough day, and so I will see everyone later.

    Sherrie [​IMG]
  2. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    awwww Sherrie (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))

    I am sorry yesterday was a rough day. I have just prayed for you, that you will know God's peace today and that He will meet your every need.

    I am off to a lecture now, so I won't be around for a few hours.

    God Bless


  3. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Ladies, I have an announcement to make concernin' the coffee shop--you know those doughnuts I've been puttin' out so that ya'll can "help yourself"--they're sorta like Blackbird's sophisticated "condiments"--I wanted to give ya'll more than Premium Saltines and Captain's Wafers while ya'll wait on your coffee to brew!!

    Well, those doughnuts are being eaten up like cow feed in a dairy parlor--they are freshly baked in the kitchen and the new cook that Sherrie hired has been workin' like he's been "haulin' pulpwood!" He(the cook) simply couldn't keep up with the demand of those doughnuts! I could tell that he was needin' some help--so without Sherrie's approval--I hired a new lady! And I just found out that she can't speak a word of English--can't read English---can't spell in English--so a "spell checker" won't work!!

    She lied on her resume!! She said she spoke "fluent" English--with a nack for "slang", Redneck, and Cajun! I was impressed--so I hired her!! Payin' her nearly 7 bucks an hour!!!(Hey, she works fast!!!)

    Being as to how she can't read English--the regular cook had to go to the bathroom--so I let her take over!! She believed that the doughnut oil needed changin'---so I said, "Have at it! I'll be up front checkin' out the new "hens" that have started comin' to the coffee shop!!

    So this new "Hen" in the booth--get the picture now!---I'm over there talkin' to her! I've got a platter full of free doughnuts--the ones with the white sugar sprinkled on top--she's helpin' herself to um--and I casually mention that the new cook can't speak "a lick" of English--that she speaks a dialect cross between Romulan and Klingon(Hey, they finally ceased hostilities and started marryin' each other--burns Captain Kirk up!!)--so the lady with the doughnut in her mouth says, "Hey, I speak that language--fluently--let me go back there and help her out!!

    I tell her that I can't pay her and she says and I quote--"The first hour is on me!!"---now, I'm thinkin'---"Lady, that ain't the only thing on you--you've got at least a pound of Blackbird's finest white powdered sugar all over the front of your blouse and skirt!"(relief for all of you fundamentals--you thought I was gonna say pants!!)--

    Anyway, she goes back there! I'm trustin' that she knows what she's doin'---first time I've ever seen her in Dexter--and Blackbird knows everybody who is a somebody in Dexter--anyway, she's in the back there--helpin' my new cook cook up a storm!!

    She's been back there for a while---whippin' out those doughnuts faster than the fastest driver at the Talladega 500!!!! And I began noticin'---that I've started comin' up short on my tractor hydrolic oil inventories!!! Slowly at first--but as the doughnuts kept pourin' out "faster than the water was comin' into the Titanic" that fateful night in 1912--my fluid started dissappearin'---so I check outside--out back by the air conditioners and water hoses---and there's the evidence--empty 5 gallon buckets of hydrolic fluid---

    Ladies, to make a long story short---the doughnuts--the doughnuts---I need to tell ya'll about the doughnuts---now, don't get mad or nothin'--it ain't Blackbird's fault--it ain't revenge or nothin'--a simple mistake--a brave misunderstandin'--I tell ya what--I'm gonna make it up to ya'll---all the doughnuts you still want to eat, absolutely free--and tell your husbands that I am willin' to service their tractor's for free---bearin' repacked--I've got plenty of Crisco grease---the new cook will never miss!!!!

    Gotta go--somthin's burnin' in the kitchen--smells like burnin' diesel and gasoline--dangerous combination--do ya'll think I need to fire that new cook and that new comer helpin' translate from English to broken Romulan/Klingon??

    Still your buddy,
  4. following-Him

    following-Him Active Member

    Oct 3, 2002
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    hhmmmmmmmm blackbird lol which part of no don't you understand... [​IMG] :eek:

    my husband says your donuts won't put the brake on putting on weight, no much how much hydrolic fluid you cook 'em in [​IMG]

    What is wrong with a craft shop or a farm shop, just tell me that?

    Will smell much nicer that tractor oil.

    Now you have gone and made me late for my lecture... :eek: [​IMG]

    we need some girl power in here i think

    Blessings [​IMG]
  5. ForYourGlory

    ForYourGlory Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Just thought I'd drop by and say hello! [​IMG]
    Been real busy as usual. Trying to get through all the birthdays! One more to go!

    Feeling very down today. [​IMG] Our pastor resigned last night at church. Congregation was in tears! [​IMG] Trying to understand what's happening, and why. Would explain but it's a long story. So if you could, please just keep my church and our pastor in your prayers!

    Have a great day!
  6. blackbird

    blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    This is my last post till Wednesday or Thursday--I and my wife are taking a group of Senior Adults to Mississippi Baptist's Retreat Center in Pass Christian, MS for a conference--really "suffering" for the Lord, ain't I?? For a look at the retreat center to to www.mbcb.org and click on retreat centers/camps and then Gulfshore Baptist Assembly--one of the finest areas of the US--I ain't braggin' on MS Baptist but its the finest center I know of--

    see ya'll later

    FYG--I'll be praying for you and your church--by and by the truth will be known and the glory will be seen--either for you and the congregation or that pastor, whichever one.

  7. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Did BLackbird invite us to go along on the retreat? He didn't give us much notice to get ready.
  8. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Praying for you
    and your church, ForYourGlory. That makes
    for a dificult time in an church.
    But Jesus is bigger than all our church
    problems. [​IMG]

    Today, Monday, 19 May 2003 is the 16th
    anniversery of Betty & I getting married!
    I think i'll buy her some tractor parts
    to celebrate. Oh, well, 16 months,
    but they were 16 good months [​IMG]
  9. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Sherrie, I have been trying to think of the name of that restaurant for months...Lamberts. There is one south of Springfield, MO. They have great food, but catching those rolls...need practice for that.
  10. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Good morning all.

    Congratulations to you two..Betty and Ed....the Lord continue to bless your union. We are so happy to have you here, and we see wot God is doing in your lives. May you enjoy many, many years together and in His blessed love.


  11. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Thank you, Jim. Ed and I went to oldest granddaughters baccalaureate last night and I cried. It was just yesterday that she graduated from kindergarten and now High School. She has two brothers and two sisters. Next one will graduate in three years, then it will be every two years.

    She will go to Oklahoma Baptist University in the fall.
  12. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Hello Ed and Betty..happy 16th month! So sweet.

    Good morning Jim. How are you today? Will you have time for a devotional today?

    I see followinghim has been trying to keep blackbird to a minimum...its can be a large task...as he is so spoiled, and is use to me giving him his way. But bait and tractors do really need to go. Hope you didn't eat any of his doughnuts. he-he!

    Well since blackbird will be gone for a day or two....we have a chance to really clean this place up.

    Well I have had a rough 2 days, mostly private, and cannot explain, but please pray for me, as I am really experiencing some saddness, that is just so overbearing at times. I cannot stop crying and my eyes are so swollen. Just remember me lightly in your prayers please.

    Well...where is Sue. She must have a bug for fishing now. Pretty soon she won't need gloves, she can use her teeth. he! he! he!

  13. Wisdom Seeker

    Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    It wasn't my spelling that embarrassed me...it was being publicly humiliated on purpose by Diane, because of the mistaken assumption that I was critisizing your spelling to hurt your feelings

    I'm sorry that you thought I was bent on exposing spelling errors, of all the meaningless trivial things to bother thinking about...when the deaper meaning to my post was a very real concern for your health.

  14. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    *AdoptedDaughter walks in*
    *AdoptedDaughter looks around*
    {thinks to herself} Hmm...interesting place.
  15. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Hi girls! Anyone want to help Thankful paint?


    Wisdom Seeker check your pm
  16. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Now how does this coffee place work? Do I just go and sit down or do I wait to be seated? Do I have a waitress who will wait on me, or is there this menu thing that I order off of that's on a wall?

    Isn't there someone that can help me?!

    Hmm....wonder if they have karaoke...
  17. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    No Kar-e-o-kee here little lady...but Gib is looking for a Judebox. And you find you a seat. Now if no one is here, you will have to work. Part of the program, and drinks are free.

    The Rules for "The Coffee Shop" are simple.

    Fighting is absolutely not tolerated. This is a refuge from the outside board. When things are heavy laden out there you come in and sit down and cool off.

    Imagination is a must! The more the better, and must enclude everyone.

    Jim1999 handles the devotions, blackbird the sermons, jonmagee is culture, followinghim handles deliveries, and Ed and Betty are our Newly Weds, and FYG is so inspriational, and I need Wisdom Seeker to help me Keep Blackbird in line. Oh and Sue..shes a poet and knows it. Theres plenty more...but you will see.

    At no time do you let blackbird bring Tractor/diesel/Heavy equiptment in here or its parts. Or any more bait! Guns go on the rack.

    Fellowship is a must, and topics range from anything to anything, and many at one time.

    Now, could you be a sweetie and wipe off those tables over there. I think someone had muddy boots on when they came in, and I need to mop it up.

    Oh if a reporter from Oklahoma comes in and his name is rsr...well he kind of runs the place too. Make sure too Rod gets his favorite flavor of drink too. Such a sweetie. I would adopt him if he wasn't already someones child. Well he is an adult...but...well you know...

    Then every once in a while DHK comes in. he likes sports. Be prepared...he loves sports. Oh shucks..don't forget Gib...preacher..theaterkid... Oh and then there is my little adopted brother ExxonMobil. Jimmy stops in once a day.

    Ok have fun! [​IMG]

    (Hope I did not forget anyone)
  18. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    *AdoptedDaughter takes some rags and some orange cleaning stuff*

    Yummm....this stuff smells great! Wonder if we've got any oranges in the place? One would sure taste great! Of course....I'll eat after I'm finished working.

    Oh...Sherrie....wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait for your reply to a PM or not...
  19. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Oh sweetie it has been so messed up this weekend for me, I am so sorry. with storms, personal problems, and a problem I had on board, I have been really out of sorts. Please forgive me. I will respond shortly. I promise.

    Sherrie [​IMG]
  20. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Ok...I will do just that...wasn't sure if you had just decided not to respond or if something was wrong...

    How's the kids, Sherrie?