We need to lay Austin's cadaverous 'exposition,' if it can even be called such, to rest. And we need to stop responding. He's preaching a lie and he's accusing the brethren, both marks of the works of Satan. He is working to make us think that collectivism is Christianity, and that bondage is a virtue.
Now we could go into the law, and point out God's separation of powers of the civil government of Israel, and the limits placed on their magistrates, and the blessing of private land ownership, and the protections of individual rights as citizens of the nation, and the protection of human rights as strangers, and I may begin a thread on that, but I don't think there is much interest. (BTW, Deuteronomy was the most quoted book during the Constitutional Covention.)
But for now let's just decapitate his main agrument for compulsory vaccination: that it is the holy duty of a Christian to blindly submit to tyranny.
My King said to render unto Caesar the thing's that are Caesar's, and unto God, the things that are God's. Here, my King, far from equating Caesar's edicts with His Own, and, to Austin's horror, commands discernment on our part as to whom and what we yield.
As far as medicine is concerned, and things that are called medicine, is my body Caesar's or is it God's? It is God's. Who is to do the rendering? The one living in the body. This is the basis of the right to be secure in our persons, and the basis of informed consent.