We tell Christians to be ready for the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The imminent return we are waiting for is Jesus' second coming.
It is equally signifigant to a dispensationalist...Rapture or "second coming" makes little or no difference...either way, as Johhny Cash said: "When the man comes around".
The scripture says:
[13]*But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
(Matthew 24:13 ESV)
A verse in no way germaine to an eschatological topic...pre-post-a-mill....this verse is true. You might as well have posted Genesis 1:1... this verse is irrelevant.
The scripture also teaches:
[4:1]*I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called,
(Ephesians 4:1 ESV)
Regardless of whether one is Post-Pre-A-Mil....or what have you...this is an independently true statement by Paul...it is meaningless and irrelevant to anything Hagee said, or the subject of the OP.
This is what amillennial pastors and elders are teaching their flocks. It is what I teach mine. Be ready.
It's what Dispensationalists teach their flocks too. It's what Hagee said.
The Lord can return at, literally, any moment. There is nothing left on the prophetic clock that must take place for Jesus to return
Agreed...Dispensationalists know this... So does Hagee.
There is no need for an anti-Christ to be born. Israel does not need to return to the land. The true doctrine of imminency believes that God can choose now.
Agreed....Dispensationalists know this....Hagee does too.
As an under-shepherd of a local flock, I desire to see our sheep fulfill Paul's admonition in Ephesians 4:1. Walk in a worthy manner. Be ready for the Lord's return. Be confident. Do not leave in fear that you may be left behind.
A meaningful and pertinent verse for Dispensationalists...Hagee approves.
Nothing helps a believer's assurance more than obedient living. Preaching this message is part of my calling.
Hagee approves.
But, as I said....I wish I were an a-mil or post-mil...and I were allowed to sit and merely criticize other Christians whose beliefs require them to make more dire warnings and suggest possible Biblically-based signs...It would be so convenient to have the capacity to merely sit in a seat of judgemental criticism and warm myself to the self-agrandizing throne of relentless criticism...surely, that's a reasonable desire to have no???
Believe nothing of substance on the topic MORE than what Hagee believes, and yet, self-congratulate at the way I might prosecute and demean a man who thinks the Scriptures might be pointing to more evidence and signs of what is already believed to be true in Orthodox Christianity.