Well-Known Member
I'm starting too. I did tell you early on that I had no previous knowledge or training in this. When you have never even taken so much as a seminary course what you have to do is find out who is saying what and how do they preach and teach. And then you try to see where you fit in and which camp you would feel most comfortable in and who is it that you already listen to. So that's what I've been doing. And I'm looking into covenant theology more in general than I ever had before and it is interesting.Now you get it.
So, for now, I've said all that I know on it, (probably more than I know), but after looking at a couple of detailed articles, some videos, and some websites, including their take on it over at the Puritan board, I have come up with this so far.
It's not heresy, and some solid guys and solid churches embrace it at some level. My concern about it leading in a direction of antinomianism is valid and was brought up by some of the critics. I admit that is not necessarily a concern because as someone said, gospel preaching should always get an accusation of antinomianism or else it wasn't done right. But in the culture we live in it is still a concern. Also, my concern that it may discourage people from reading the Old Testament for it's own instructional value was brought up by some learned critics as well. And also, a concern was brought up that under NCT there may be a difficulty trying to explain guilt and sin to people if you cannot use the Decalogue. Also, NCT is still under development and is subject to change and different perceptions on the direction it should go. And last of all, some of the discussions are above my level of theological knowledge to the point where I don't feel able to really discuss it. So I'm not planning on saying much more on this but these are good threads so carry on.