It weakened everyone who thought this one debate will prove much of anything come next November.
One debate per se 15 months prior to the actual election proves very little. The attention span of most American people indicates that less than half--and probably a much larger percentage than that--will have even remembered what was said/done in this one debate.
While BB certainly has its share of political die hards from all over the philosophical spectrum, even those who claim to know who'll be the GOP's final contender against the Jackass Party, as well as any third party, based on this one debate, I predict will have changed his/her minds at least once or twice from whom they now claim will be the sure-fire GOP nominee .
The majority of voters in this country have "no attention span!" In fact most cannot see beyond their own entitlements, and the fear of losing them.
For instance all those on long term unemployment, disability social security, welfare, WIC, etc., and enjoying the hassle free life of not having to earn an honest day's pay will vote to elect a leader who is most likely to keep the checks coming.
The gays and their straight friends and family will vote to keep the status quo in their favor. A GOP prez may nominate SCOTUS justices that may throw out gay marriage.
Illegals will get sympathy votes from their legal family and friends and the bleeding heart liberals in order to keep the government from ending DACA, building a tougher border, and throwing the bums (the criminal element) out.
Those getting free Obamacare will vote to make sure they keep getting care at the expense of us, who pay extremely high premiums to subsidize their care. Truth is, we could care for these folks through clinics and ER's providing care when needed and billing the feds for it. But, this would eliminate one more government bureaucracy, and we can't do that?
All special interest folks will selfishly do what is in their best self interests and not what is best for America as a whole.
It has little to do with attention span, because the entitled will vote for who is going to keep the party going. What a shame. :tonofbricks: