Well-Known Member
Yes, it's actually a severe redaction of the Gospels. Too much to approve.Jefferson even produced his own "bible" by including portions of the NT but extracting everything that was supernatural e.g. miracles, Jesus' birth and His resurrection. He called it "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth." The Jefferson Bible (uuhouston.org)
Still, Jefferson lets slip just about everything except Jesus being raised from the dead, and God's reason for his crucifixion.
Jesus is a healer and is the Christ. Jesus has a kingdom not of this world and is even the Son of God. No man ever spoke like Jesus. Jesus speaks like prophet, but greater. Herod is still hoping to see him perform a miracle. The cross is according to God's will.
I suspect Jefferson himself was too weak on these points, yet he doesn't completely omit them. God, sin, judgment, and hell are all very much a part of the picture. The grave mistake, one not Jefferson's alone, is imagining one can truly live up to the morality Jesus taught.
However, if one earnestly prays for the Holy Spirit until granted, then what? Just read the NT and you'll find out. In fact, such an earnest prayer is certain to lead you there, to Jesus Christ and life in his name.