I would have asked, “Why is it arrogance?”
But more important than that I would have approached it dramatically differently. That passage in Colossians would likely have been my last choice to witness with.
Before I continue, I want you to know that I am not trying to put you down or diminish the courage it took for you to share Jesus. I am writing this in hopes that you might do a better job next time.
I also want to list another source just in case you just don’t like me.
So, now that I’ve gotten that out of he way, I’m going to provide some harsh criticism.
What you said did in fact sound like arrogance - especially in the presentation. You did it while he was doing his job. You didn’t bother to ask him ahead of time if you could talk to him about something and wait until you had his full attention. Your preaching was directed at him as an inanimate object. You were pleased with your presentation. You chose a passage not written in plain English. He had to ask the question for you showing that you really didn’t care what he thought.
Don’t preach to people while they are doing their job. Just don’t.
Start by asking an innocent open-ended question such as “What do you know about Jesus?” It is not accusatory and is worded in such a way that the other person doesn’t think you are trying to trap him or her. The question doesn’t seem to have a right or wrong answer. From there a conversation can continue depending on how he answers.
There is a difference between preaching and testifying. I felt led of the Holy Spirit to say what I did and am glad I did. But, that was the first and the last of the decade I worked with the man that I said anything to him at all pertaining to Christ. I am in hopes that he remembers what I told him and makes a turn for Christianity.