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Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 14, 2004.

  1. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I think it's great when people are able to lose weight (and keep it off), no matter WHAT method they use.

    Different methods work for different people. Atkins works for me WHEN I stick to it. I always stayed on it for 3 weeks, then off 1, then back on for another 3 weeks. I did not adhere to it strictly though.

    Right now, I am losing inches instead of pounds (due to excessive walking). Whatever works! [​IMG]

    I [​IMG] everyone who is changing the way they eat...
  2. Gib

    Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Whatever happened to Jed?
  3. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    [​IMG] I think he would be called a "hit and run" or worse, "troll", in the Versions Room. Maybe he forgot about us? :(
  4. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Re: South Beach Diet

    Saggy and Tater, I went back to give my opinion of the South Beach Diet and couldn't find the thread. Ed told me it was moved here.

    The diet really works and we stayed on it faithfully for a month, but then vacation and houseguests during the summer worked havoc with our diet plan (and other plans, too. ;) ).

    We plan to start over on Phase I again next week to get back on the program. Ed has stayed on low carb, but I haven't.

    Saggy, if you are used to a lot of carbs, the first two weeks will be rough, but after doing without the "white stuff" (bread, potatoes, rice, pasta) and all sweets and fruits, one actually does not crave them any more.

    I eat bunnless hamburgers and if I eat a sandwich, I use low carb, low calorie bread.

    I tend to count calories and watch the fat and carb content of my meals.

    I certainly have not had the success that Tater has. GOOD JOB, Tater!
  5. Jed Capler

    Jed Capler New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Nope, not a hit and runner--I'm still here. I stopped posting because the group's interest in the subject seemed to have died. But I guess it's time to jump back in and give my .02 worth. When you ask if any weight loss plan "works", be sure that you ask two questions: Is this a way of eating that I can follow *forever*? And, secondly, will I not only end up thin, but *healthy* and thin? --Jed
  6. Jed Capler

    Jed Capler New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Re: South Beach Diet

    Here's a post I made on the Healthy Eating Lifestyle Plan Support thread:

    I read a library copy of "The South Beach Diet". (I don't care for the title, because diets don't work, but healthy eating lifestyles do.) To give my opinion of the book, I think the overall premise is good. For those who haven't read it, the diet is based on the idea that high-glycemic carbohydrates, those that rate higher than 55 on the glycemic scale, or bad carbs, such as white bread and white rice, lead to weight gain. The diet thus recommends that dieters consume more low-glycemic carbs, or good carbs, such as whole grains and vegetables, which take longer to break down, expend more energy as they break down, and don't lead to empty cravings.

    The book in a nutshell: Eat good carbohydrates and good fats; don't eat bad carbohydrates and bad fats. That's good advice and it fits pretty well with my approach of eating whole, natural, God-made food. (Unfortunately, there's not much emphasis on exercise.) I think the SBD a good place to start--just take it one day at a time and one choice at a time. --Jed
  7. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Hiya Jed! [​IMG] I knew ya was still looking in from time to time! It's really good to see you again; you're a great encourager! [​IMG]
  8. DavidsAngel

    DavidsAngel Guest

    I'm wondering something. What happens first you lose the weight or inches? I've been told the inches go first then you see the weight come off.

    The reason i'm asking this is i've been riding a mountain bike for the past 2 weeks between 1 and 2 1/2 miles a day. I'm wondering if that is enough or should I kick it up a notch your opinion would be greatly appriciated [​IMG]
  9. GrannyGumbo

    GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    I wish I knew how to ride a bike. :( But...at least my legs still work! [​IMG] Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. :confused:
  10. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Wendy: When I was riding my bicycle to lose weight, everyday, I rode 1/2 mile more than the day before until I worked up to 10 miles a day.

    I'm not sure what the recommended mileage is...
  11. DavidsAngel

    DavidsAngel Guest

    Whew, I'm wanting to work up that much but i'm huffin and puffin with just the 2 1/2 miles. Today I took a break because on saturday i'm going to be taking all my girls to a trail that is 2 miles long. It's a lot of fun for us and we can spend time together mother and daughters kind of thing.
  12. TaterTot

    TaterTot Guest

    For riding, I would think the time you spend would be important as well. It takes me 45 minutes to ride 5 miles, (its hilly) and I think you need to have your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes -but it is debatable. But I know for me, I have actually gained weight while losing inches, due to exercising.

    I think its great you are being active!! Kepp it up!!
  13. DavidsAngel

    DavidsAngel Guest

    I have a pair of shorts that were always tight on me. I put them on the other day and they were very loose. I was like what is going on. So I stepped on the scale and found I had lost a total of 10 lbs in the month I have been dieting . Esh, But they were so much looser. I'm talking at least a size or two. You would think that would result in some lbs reduction but nope.

    I am trying to be active. It's getting easier [​IMG] ... I started walking the first two weeks then I took up bike riding (I don't like being slow LOL I had to get moving faster )
  14. Jed Capler

    Jed Capler New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Exercise does help with weight loss because you burn calories as you work out, raise your metabolism for a good while after exercise, build muscles (muscle burns more calories than fat), and your appetite is suppressed for a considerable time after exercise. Also, you can lose some inches! :D

    Everyone, should get in some daily exercise. However, even though exercise is indispensable for better health and fitness, remember that what you chose to eat plays a much greater role in weight loss than exercise. Exercise is nowhere near as effective for weight loss as limiting your caloric intake. For example, you'll have to bicycle for an hour to offset the calories in one slice of apple pie...even more if it's pecan. :eek: --Jed
  15. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I have noticed some inches going away since I have been doing the paper route everyday. I think I have lost about 5# also. I'm not really trying to diet, but I AM getting more exercise now.

    I also walk pretty brisk on 'the corner' twice a day. I don't enjoy walking and unless I have to - I won't, so these two jobs are good for me...

    With all of the extra work around the house, since the boys moved in, I don't have time to ride my bicycle anymore, but I am keeping too busy to eat lunch!!!
  16. DavidsAngel

    DavidsAngel Guest

    I didn't like walking. It took to long to go a distance. And, it was hard to keep up a brisk pace. At least with my bike I can catch my breath riding down hill. Going back UPHILL is the sucking wind way.

    I've found that my girls LOVE to ride thier bikes around the park we live in. It's a safe place so we ride our bikes up to the playground and back again. The weather is cool and just beautiful:)
  17. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    (I am moving this thread here)


    Member # 6181

    posted September 13, 2004 11:46 PM
    I joined weightwatchers today....I'm not fat but I wanted to learn how to eat correctly to suppliment my gym workouts. Do any other men here use weightwatchers? Any suggestions or tips on meal ideas etc. My daily points allocation is 30.

    Posts: 107 | From: London | Registered: May 2003 | IP: Logged |

    Matt Black

    1,000 Posts Club
    Member # 5577

    posted September 14, 2004 03:42 AM
    Not a member but my wife was (until she fell pregnant!) and I follow the recipes and points system. My daily allocation is 26. I have three main tips:-

    1. Basically, you're allowed one pig-out per day even a trip to MacDonalds (c14 points) AS LONG AS you're very careful the rest of the day

    2. Avoid alcohol or at least be sparing. I'm a low- to moderate-drinker but I was amazed at how many points a pint of bitter or a G&T contains.

    3. Exercise is not a cure-all or an excuse to overeat; the highest number of extra daily points you can 'earn' through exercise is 5

    Hope that helps and good luck!

    Yours in Christ

    Posts: 1701 | From: Hampshire, England | Registered: Feb 2003 | IP: Logged |


    Member # 6181

    posted September 14, 2004 10:32 AM
    Thanks Matt. I've been losing a few pounds through using the gym alone but this points system seems to make a lot of good sense. I especially like the recipies and the idea of eating right is appealing. I'm 24 tho so you can imagine me walking into my local weightwatchers class and getting a few stares for all the women (of which theres around 50)....It seems like its gonna pay off though. My biggest pitfall is tea but theres very few points in that as long as I stick to semi or skimmed milk. I've given up drinking alcohol and I gave up smoking 5 months ago. (hence putting on 12 lbs or so) It isn't really noticable to people, but I notice it.

    Glad you're enjoying the WW system though.
    Posts: 107 | From: London | Registered: May 2003 | IP: Logged |
  18. Rich_UK

    Rich_UK <img src =/6181.jpg>

    May 26, 2003
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    Thanks Sue...I didn't think of that.
    Rich [​IMG]
  19. donnA

    donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    You all pray for me this week. I am going to the Y to fill out forms for finical aid to join, they have a program called Ready to be Fit where they will help set up a personalize program and a personal trainer every 3 weeks for the 12 week program. I have always hated excerise, but I am so ready now, I've been walking early every morning and feel I need more now.
  20. I Am Blessed 24

    I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Praying for you Donna - you are doing great!