=============================================================So now, if I wear a ballcap, I'm sinning?
We had 2 kids & quit, as (A) We were 39 & 38 years old, respectively, after the 2nd one, (B) Wife's health suffered; Dr. recommended she have her "tubes tied", which she did, & (C) We couldn't really afford any more, financially. So, we sinned by quitting childbearing?
OF COURSE I don't wear anything on my head in church, and, in warm weather, few women do. Are those who don't all sinning, as well as those with short haircuts?
"The times, they are a'changin' !" Paul wrote about meat offered to idols, which isn't an issue in non-idolatrous countries such as Russia & the USA. But in Paul's time/place, it was.
Follow your conscience & I'll follow mine!
1) And who told you that baseball caps can not be worn here, especially if you understand that they must be removed at the service? Wear it for your health.
2) If your wife cannot give birth for health reasons, and she could not give birth to you, then what kind of claims can you have? My wife also does not give birth for health reasons, as she has had many operations.
3) A woman, especially a married one, if she does not cover her head at the divine service and even more so during prayer, naturally sins. It violates the commandment of God spoken through the Apostle Paul.
4) You are wrong when you say that "times are changing and now we can be less scrupulous". I will start with the fact that you have obvious pagans with eating ritual meat in the United States, and in Russia, and in general all over the world. For example, Hare Krishnas, shamanists, and others...
And the human conscience is deceptive. You should follow the Word of the Lord, not your own desires.