Torture Is Righteous in the EYE's of its Beholder(s)
Certainly you are not comparing the righteous punishment of God to the use of torture at the hands of men, are you? You are on very shaky ground, here.Scripture has the answer, if we will just believe what God has revealed to us.

I know that Hell is God's righteous form of judgment, but, as righteous as it is, it is still torture for anyone who must pass through it for an eternity, with NO hope of ever being set free.
I have to believe that whether it be America, Russia, China, or radical Muslims, torture may be righteous in their eyes, too!!!
When it came to the Romans, Jesus experienced a cruel and painful form of torture, and it wasn't even to secure information, or tactics from Jesus. It was simply to inflict PAIN....the cat-o-nine-tails that Jesus was whipped with, was invented to exact as much pain as possible. Each little ball attached to the tails of the whip had sharp claws that dug their way into the flesh of the person being whipped. And when the whip was pulled back and away from the prisoner, those tails carried large pieces of flesh, ripped from the skin of the prisoners back. Each whip caused pain, and guaranteed prolonged suffering, way after the punishment ended.:tear:
I can only submit, that in the eyes of the leadership of these nations, their forms of inflicting pain to secure information detrimental to the nation's freedom and overall survival, is RIGHTEOUS too.
As Obama so eloquently said, we are not a Christian nation. but a nation of citizens with Ideals. And if this is true, than it is these ideals that set in stone the rules of military engagement and the parameters of the torture used to secure vital information from the captured enemy.
Righteousness is truly in the eyes of the beholder. and in the case of America, I still believe that what the government does behind "Closed Doors" to protect the national security of this country need to remain behind the curtain of secrecy. Once we allow millions of people to cast their personal opinions and concerns about this weapon, this tactical movement, or this form of torture, we lose control of the methods used to secure vital information from enemy combatants.
Keep the doors closed, and the public in the dark, and there will be know debate over the moral values of this, or that?
Again, the less we [as a society] know, the better we fare in regard to the war.
Pastor Paul:type: