I somewhat read through these forums to maybe get some good pondering thoughts as I fellowship with our Lord in His word. And I realize foreknowledge is God knowing all things, He will never learn anything new. If He can learn anything new, then He doesn't know all things. James said, "Known unto Him are all things from the beginning." So it seems according to His foreknowledge I'd say is the concept of predestination, election, and chosen. Although, as Christ Jesus is the theme of the whole Bible, it seems to me that they all pertain to His Bride. Anyway, my thoughts are that God in all of His wisdom knows the choices each person is going to make. But He doesn't make the choice for you. He only knows in advance that which you are going to choose.
Hi David,
I understand your reasoning processes but the word "know" in Scripture does not have the same idea as used in normal conversation today. For example, in Genesis it is said that "Adam KNEW Eve" and yet we know he had cognitive knowledge of Eve long before this was said. It is a term that denotes intimate knowledge. Furthermore, God's purpose of election is specifically said to be separate from actions of men after birth (Rom. 9:11). Paul says that God works all things according to His purpose not according to foreseen actions by men (Eph. 1:11). In Acts 2:22 the Greek construction makes "foreknowledge" synonymous with "determinate counsel". In Romans 8:28-29 God's purpose precedes God's foreknowledge instead of vice versa. Like a carpenters blue print precedes the carpenters building actions. He foreknows the building plan not because he foresaw it, but because he purposed it and that is the knowledge he has predetermined to work all things according to.
In Ephesians 1:4 we are not chosen in him before the world because God foresaw our holiness (set apart by faith) but we are set apart by faith because God chose us before the world began. In 2 Thessalonans 2:13 we are chosen "to salvation" not because God foresaw our salvation. Furthermore, that salvation we were chosen unto consisted of saving faith ("through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth).
The problem that you have and that most people have is the failure to see that election to salvation presupposes the fall has already occurred in the mind of God or else there is no need to chose to "salvation." Thus man has fallen by his own free choice and that choice has lost his ability and desire to either seek God or come to God. Jesus said "no man can come" and the word "can" refers to ability. therefore, there can be no such thing as foreseen faith as no man "can" come to Christ by faith and faith is not inherent in man. In addition no man desires to come because the fallen state is a mindset that is at enmity with God (Rom. 8:7).So the only possible way any man can come to Christ in the future is by divine intervention rather than merely looking ahead to see what man might do, as God has already done that as recorded in Psalm 14:1-3 and when he looked down upon mankind he saw NONE who would seek him.
It is this fallen mass of mankind that is "condemned already" (Jn. 3:17) that God can in full justice continue to damn to hell and be fully glorified. However, "election" is an act of "mercy" (Rom. 9:16, 18, 23) and "mercy" presupposes already just condemnation. Therefore, to choose to save any fallen God hating human being by the sacrifice of His only Son is something that every fallen creature would love to participate in killing him and no fallen creature deserves.
None are elected or chosen to hell becuase mankind has already made that responsible choice in Adam and come into this world loving and practicing sin. Election is in spite of willful rejection, full hatred and complete resistance to God. Election is to salvation by pure grace, pure mercy.
God is fully glorified in allowing all other humans to continue right on their freely chosen path to hell and he is glorified by his act of mercy in choosing some to salvation and the non-elect won't complain because they want nothing to do with God nor can they complain because they are getting justice while the elect cannot claim any more merit than the non-elect as the were "children of wrath even as others" and don't deserve mercy.
Here is the point. God is perfectly just in passing over some and choosing others as according to pure justice all equally deserve hell. God therefore can do what He wills with the mass of fallen mankind because the whole mass if justice is the criteria of what God should do is eternal condemnation of all.