If Officer Goodson acted with depraved indifference toward Gray it had nothing to do with the color of either man's skin. It has everything to do with the condition of the heart. White, black or brown skin does not matter when it comes to matters of the human soul. You are either with Christ or without; reconciled to God or adversaries.
White men don't enslave because they are white. They do so because they are sinners. Black men don't loot stores and burn police cars because they are black men under white man's thumb. They do so because they are under Satan's curse.
True, and so that's why a lot of these generalizations are just as wrong as what you're reacting to.
And I hope "Satan's curse" is just a synonym for "sinners". That was my first impression, but then there are those out there who believe one group is under a "curse" ("for their old tribal worship", etc) while the other group is seen as historically "Christian", and therefore "blessed" and also less prone to sinful practices (and whatever sin does exist in that community has been always attributed to outside "forces". Which now is exactly [yet another charge] being leveled at "the black community"; i.e. "always blaming everyone else").
And I think that's the problem that needs to be addressed. This whole sense of "exceptionalism" that seems to make people unable to admit any sin in the nation (other than that, again, brought in by outsiders or defectors). I still marvel over someone here telling me years ago that I needed to "man up" because I complained about a $500 pair of glasses that turned out to be cheaply made. (I since found out there's a name for stuff like this: "planned obsolescence". Another example is these tech companies quickly putting out new versions of things, and making the previously ones useless, forcing you to upgrade).
I'm the one getting gipped, but it's my fault (basically, for not "taking responsibility" and "climbing the ladder" to make more money, then maybe I could afford to replace stuff like that over and over, as this line of thinking usually goes).
The people putting out this stuff at ridiculous prices are completely innocent, and only following "the market". There's no sense of the dishonesty of putting out something that's supposed to be good quality, but making it in practice inferior, so the unsuspecting consumer has to spend more on the same thing.
(So even if you're not "poor", but still struggling, it's all your own fault. But again, the same people saying this stuff are complaining about money also, but only taxes, and simply blaming it on leftists and other classes and/or races).
It can't be sinful, because this is the "Christian" system.
Then, you had another person aghast at any criticism of the nation, as if the Bible itself or the faith were being attacked, and saying this rendered it "not worth defending".
All of this was when I realized the problem was this "exceptionalism" concept. So of course, people will only deflect all of the current criticism back at the people complaining. So you can call the "community" the true "racists", but if you're operating off of a premise of "exceptionalism", where all wrong gets pointed at everyone else, then you're still no better.
In truth, if all are "sinful", then all have some measure of blame. The onus for one side might not be simply giving reparations to the other, but surely, the exceptionalism has got to go, and people realize they are ultimately the same (made in God's image, but marred with sin, and are prone to behave the same as anyone else, when the right circumstances are present) if there is to be anything other than back and forth accusation.
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