The bible is quite clear on this one as it says "not given to too much wine" which indicated being. Drink is a sin but moderation is not.
What about pot, in moderation and where it is legal of course?
My comment was more about alcohol being an introduction to other drug use with adolescents. Not really that it was a sin (I do not necessarily believe it to be a sin).
For those in the ministry, however, my views may be different. Ministers are to be "above reproach." There is an emphasis on how one is perceived, and I believe that this may include cultural influences. A minister cannot be taken seriously if he drinks but lives in a cultural environment where drinking is considered unbiblical (that minister is certainly more "me" centered than is appropriate). We are not forbidden to drink, but not all things are beneficial. We do not live for ourselves, our desires, or even our needs. We live for Christ, and it is the love of Christ that should shine through our lives...not our 'right' to engage in any type of behavior. So I do agree with you that Scripture does not forbid drinking, although I may disagree in that I believe many who invoke this principle do so unbiblically (in a self-centered mindset void of a true biblical worldview). Legalism is legalism. Just saying that you are entitled to do something is not less legalistic than saying others are forbidden to do something else.
But again, my point was that drinking is, for many, an introduction to harder drugs.