plain_n_simply said:
Fascinating website the68, thanks for joining.
I'm glad you found Sullivan's website fascinating, plain_n_simple. Thanks so much for welcoming me!
Many of your assumptions and assertions concerning this thread have proven to be incorrect thus far. As a matter of respect I rebuffed your other assertions concerning my intentions for this thread via PM and I am still awaiting a response to my last transmission.
thisnumbersdisconnected said:
As long as Sullivan leaves room for the existence of unbiblical tongues -- I see him attempt to make distinction, then apologize for those who practice gobbledy-gook -- I can't accept anything he says as being a valid viewpoint. Sorry.
That is slightly antithetical to your previous assertion.
thisnumbersdisconnected said:
his research is slanted, geared to prove his unbiblical view of tongues despite the biblical evidence that the gift has ceased, and that the "tongues" practiced today are so far from anything biblical as to be suspect as inspired by a spiritual force of a much different nature than God. Sullivan is notorious for using bad or deliberately misleading interpretations of the biblical accounts, and twisting the meaning of extra-biblical writings in defending his incorrect doctrine.
thisnumbersdisconnected said:
...leaves room for the existence of unbiblical tongues
is rather removed from
thisnumbersdisconnected said:
...geared to prove his unbiblical view of tongues
and most certainly removed from
thisnumbersdisconnected said:
...notorious for using bad or deliberately misleading interpretations of the biblical accounts, and twisting the meaning of extra-biblical writings in defending his incorrect doctrine.
So which is it? It seems to me that you are
now saying that when it comes to anyone who may merely be allowing for the possibility that he might be mistaken or flawed in his fallible human understanding of a given topic you simply throw the baby out with the bathwater.
That being said, I think you need to read this again;
I am certain the prayer languages and heavenly languages were theologies built after 1906. My premise from reading so far, though this is considered unsubstantiated and could change, is that it occurred after the theological crisis caused by the Azusa Street Revival. The outpouring that happened at Azusa and other places during this period was the perceived supernatural outpouring of the spirit which gave missionaries the spontaneous ability to speak in a foreign language. When these missionaries arrived at their foreign destinations, they discovered that they did not have this ability. This forced the Pentecostal movement either to admit they were wrong and discredit the movement or redefine the dogma. The latter was chosen and this is what gave birth to the idea of tongues being a heavenly or prayer language.
Any Charismatic worth their salt would disagree with such a conclusion.
Though Sullivan claims to be unbiased in his research (which I believe he is, to whatever extent it is humanly possible) as I see it his research on early church history rather obviously supports the Cessationist position concerning glossolalia and languages.
John of Japan said:
So my question is this. If tongues are so rare in church history, though there is an abundance of Bible-based church movements down through the centuries, why are we supposed to believe that glossolalia is a Biblical expression of tongues?
Down through the ages, churches have had worship services, have done evangelism, have sent missionaries, have prayed, have sung hymns, and done many other practices of the Christian life. But they haven't talked in unknown tongues. In other words, unknown tongues are unknown in church history!!!
John of Japan; this is exactly my suspicion, and is also why I found Sullivan's research concerning the early fathers and the dogma not being accepted to the extent it currently is until the late 19th century so fascinating. I do want to be sure that this is a solid argument before I employ it, thus my research and inquiry. Thanks for your sources, it looks as though I have literature to acquire and reading to do.
prophet said:
Prophet; it's funny, but I contribute under the pseudonym "Prophet" to several other boards and have done so for years. Thank you for your thoughts. It is also my belief that similar occurrences happened before Azusa and I wish to understand this better, thus my interest in any such happenings pre-1906 as plain_n_simple provided.