I have no complaint.Medicare is for the elderly and does not have any money as it is a pay as you go system. It is robbed blind by doctors all the time. He is not a very good system if you live in an area where there are not good doctors and hospitals because the elderly on medicare have little choice due to poverty. Medicare for all is estimated to cost at least 32 trillion dollars over the next ten years, far more than the status quo currently costs. What is even worse is that it will put our corrupt politicians in charge of seeing who gets healthcare and who does not. Socialized medicine always has death panel and rationing and shortages and has never worked anywhere in the world.
I give Trump the credit. I like my Medicare Advantage over the VA.
He accelerated the drug Lyrica to be made generic in America and went from $800/month to $20/month for a monthly prescription.
I Pay $60.00 for a 90 day supply